An Entry into the Rouscher Manner

Jun 18, 2007 10:47

(Whoa, getting dizzy with all the fantabulous posts! As far as I know, there are seven guests of Rouscher Manner (including myself), so before I post the next section of the story, I will wait until everyone has posted either the inbetween part for their character, or events leading up to them getting there, or whatever pops out of their head. That'll force me to be patient too because I get pretty hyper when people are being impressively creative)

Cynthia continued to fidgit endlessly until a familiar vehicle started down the drive. Her face immediatly lit up and she tried to remain as stiff as a bored like her father. "It's Miss Priscilla!" Cynthia thought to herself over and over. Priscilla was one of Cynthia's FAVORITE guests because she was so kind to everyone and was always very pretty, like a princess, in her own way.

"Father, can I...?" Cynthia pouted timidly.

Edward sighed heavily. Priscilla... "I suppose so, darling."

But just as he was about to let Cynthia run to greet the over stuffed pin cushion, a plane headed towards the landing path. This, under normal circumstances would've been fine, if it weren't for the rock that had been placed there for a past photoshoot of Madame. Edward watched in horror as the plane veered dramatically and headed straight for the house.

"RUN!" Edward screamed at the top of his lungs, thrusting his daughter out of the path of the plane and standing defensively in front of Madame Rouscher.

All were too frightened to speak for a moment as the engine slowed and a dandy pilot popped his head out of the plane.

Meanwhile, Priscilla Pincushion hurried alongside the plane and put a delicate gloved hand to the pilot's. "Dear sir, are you quite alright?"

The driver smiled. "I'm here, aren't I?"

Adella let out a very weak laugh. "Oh my, wasn't that something!" Adella fanned herself with her hand. "I daresay, Jonathan, you still know how to make quite the entrance."

Jonathan grinned one of his finest smiles and hopped out of the plane. "Pleasures all mine, Dell."

While the guests and little Cynthia started to converse, (rather merrily considering Cynthia's unfaltering enthusiam for Priscilla's company and the high hopes she had found a pirate captain for later in the night) Adella walked past the still heated plane and walked calmly down the drive.

There was a car parked dead still in the drive, with a well trained butler who's exprience was uncounted and a somewhat shocked, or somewhat appalled man sitting in the back seat. Adella pulled back the lock of hair that always fell into her face behind her ear while Edward ran to catch her up.

The butler got out of the car and worked his way around, opening the now very grumpy passanger's door. "Hello, Dell." The man mumbled quietly as the butler harumphed.

"Hello, Edwin." Adella stated as cheerfully as possible. "So sad that you couldn't go to Micah's Miniature Golf..." Adella still had a hard time stifulling her giggles over his letter.

Edwin seemed to warm up a little to her reaction, or possibly his childlike demeanor at times made her think that. Whatever it was, Adella had always enjoyed Edwin's company, no matter what mood he happened to be in.

Composing herself, Adella gestured towards the Manner. "Come, Edwin! Tonight is a night for celebrating and I'm sure the event will be all the more spectacular with you attending."

With that said, and a very stern look from Edwin's butler, Edwin was lead towards the others for more conversing.

As guests trickled inside from the front, Stephanie was noticing a different guest from the back. She had only seen him but just the week before, although then in a more refined state than now. His clothes were half soaked and he carried a rather sogged up package with him. Stephanie put down the dish she was washing and hurried out to him.

"Umm..." Oh dear, what WAS his name...? "Would you like some assistance, sir?"

The man shook his head, appearing either embarrassed or quite tired. "No need to worry Miss Smith. I merely took an unexpected dip. I was wondering however if there were any spare pants in the house that I might borrow for tonight's festivities?"

Stephanie paused for a moment and answered, "Well, I suppose Edward wouldn't mind. Otherwise you'll catch a death of cold. The Manner gets quite chilly at night." And with that said, Stephanie lead Corsac Inglewild into the kitchen while she fetched a pair of Edward's pants.

As guests were being settled in the parlor and being served refreshments, Adella and Edward stood outside as another guests pulled into the drive. Both had finished taking a drag of cigarette and got back into the car to pull up the rest of the way.

Adella smiled as cheerfully as possible without making it look too fake. "Warmest greetings, Detective." She stated.

Lucille Mercer was a confident, sly, and observant woman with an intense interest in the going's on of Rouscher Manner. Since Lucille and Adella's parents were such good friends, Adella had been forced to invite Lucille to all of her events, whether or not she wanted Lucille there. By now, even though her parents were dead, Adella still invited Lucille to the Manner, even though this usually got the Manner in MORE trouble rather than less. Adella supposed that at least no trouble would arise if Lucille was here; it does pay to have a detective as an acquiantance at times.

Adella nudged Edward a moment, a hidden sign in between them asking for reassurance as to whether or not he had hidden the family heirlooms properly. He coughed lightly, and Adella was able to breathe a little easier.

"If you would be so kind as to follow me, Miss Mercer." Edward stated awkwardly, taking Lucille's arm and leading her toward the parlor. She did not necessarily have a sour expression on her face, but certainly not a cheerful one.

Adella had always been worried about how well all of Benjamina's "friends" would mesh together and just what it would mean for her. She stood out in the entrance for a little longer, watching as the after noon sun started its creep into dusk and gripped the rail. Maybe she would be lucky and not have to face HIM.
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