Stress and Time Management/Crescent talking to herself; insane or not?

Feb 08, 2007 21:29

Well, this has been a fucked up week. And actually even WRITING this post is not a good use of my time.

Hello, I'm Crescent and I'm gonna die of stress.

I will, for the next few weeks, be writing out my schedule on LJ. This will be a necessity for me. I wish my time management habits were good. NOTE that I'm wishing instead of doing. This is NOT taking action, which means that there will be no success. What I should say is "I WILL MANAGE MY TIME BETTER."

But I know I won't. <- This is an example of announcing failure before trying, also the incorrect way to go about solving a problem.

First, state the issue at hand: I have time management problems.

Second, state the reasons for the problem: I have had too much homework, too many distractions, and I have avoided issues because I do not know how to deal with them correctly or chose to ignore them.

Third, state possible solutions for the problem:
1) Go see a counsulor. My teacher, Jeff Filipiak, has emailed Jennifer Crandall, the best consulor for time management and stress issues, to aid me in better solving my time management problems.

2) Make a list of all the issues that have been upsetting me:
-space,forms,andmaterials project due Thursday
-art history redo assignment due Thursday
-paper for humanities due Thursday
-interview for Learning Resource Center on Thursday

Current issues as of 2/8/07 at 9:38 p.m.:
-check bounced at the bank, must deposit money to fill it again tomorrow
subproblem - room is so messy that deposit checks have gone missing
*reason: did not go to bank to deposit checks due to forgetting checks when should have deposited them
-Visual Dynamics assignment involving cutting up a 8.5x11inch image and placing the pieces in a 9x14inch box. Trace pieces and paint the image of the cut out pieces in two complementary colors only, etc. Due Wednesday the 14th.
-Kinetic Drawing assignment involving note cards that do a basic draft of my rotoscope based off of questions given on a prompt sheet in class. Due Monday the 12th.
-Art History Test is March 6th. Study.
-Humanities involves reading page 5-70 of Maus and writing our journal prompt on the material
-Annotations and Markmaking, luckily I have no outside homework as of yet.
-interview for Summer Resident Advisor position tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.
-write and submit paper for Art History due on the 9th
-write and submit paper with date from registrar at front desk due on the 9th
-clean room
-get sleep
-possibly remember to eat breakfast but not likely at this point in time

Obviously I need to work on what was due today tonight and probably a bit of tomorrow. I need to go to the bank in the morning and get my debt settled, which will involve a fine of $30-40. Then I will eat lunch and go to my printmaking class. In the afternoon I will work on my Visual Dynamics homework and half of my Kinetic Drawing project (half is 10 of the 20 notecards and also drafting my ideas and concepts). I will then go to dinner, and if I feel I can, I will go watch FLCL with the anime club. Then I will work on Kinetic Drawing, read my Humanities homework, or study Art History. Brain, listen to what you're typing to yourself. You will not pretend that you have "time" to goof off. Because you don't. YOU put yourself into this mess and it was no one else's fault. So shut up, stop slacking off and GET THE BAJOINKERS TO WORK!

This post took about... 30 minutes to write, time I could've spent doing many other useful tasks that would help aid my stress relief. Helpful? Not quite sure yet, but I shall refer back to this in the morning.

p.s. *whimpers* WHY did she get Crescent's depression cookies??? *sobs*
as a note, please do not ask. i really don't have the heart to talk about it.
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