Ask Ausiello from TVLine has something to say about the latest j/a tease made by Allison...
p.s. livejournal keeps cutting off letters no matter how many times i try to fix it! so some words may be missing a letter but i think you'll get the main idea
Question: Alison Brie previously sai something happens between Jeff and Annie during Community‘s fourth season. Any idea of what that somethin might be? -Aurore
Ausiello I could be wrong, but I’ thinking hat something might be...marriage! (Albeit a fake, fantasy marriage - but a marriage nonetheless.) Speaking o Community, I’ve seen the show’s long-awaited Feb. 7 season premiere - and it’s good. Like really ood. Like, you’d-almost-never-know-Dan-Harmon-left good. I also screened a second Season 4 installment - the one set at Comic-Con-esque convention- an that episode was… um… how shall I put this… [crickets] Did I mention the premiere is good? This was just him speculating and is not a full out spoiler, but it relates to the vague "something will happen" spoiler said by allison. If this is true than the real question is who is fantasizing about a j/a wedding? ...i hope it's jeff! (that is if this is indeed true of course)