Dec 11, 2011 19:42
NBC Put Us on Hiatus, So Let's Have A Friending Meme
Friending Meme!
NBC can't spoil our fun! We haven't had a friending meme since last summer, and since then, opinions have changed and more and more people are joining our not-so-little Jeff/Annie ship!
Let's kick off this hiatus right by getting to know our new members and reacquainting ourselves with the ones who have been around for a while.
Copy and paste the following into a comment and fill it out with your answers. I don't know what it is about me but I can't seem to format these text areas so that everything's not on one line, so take care to separate the lines as you go if you don't mind. (If someone knows how to fix this, don't be shy!)
Your Twitter/Tumblr username:
Anything else?
Favorite pairing(s):
Favorite character(s):
Favorite episode(s):
Favorite season:
Favorite non-study group character:
Who would be your ideal guest star? Who would he/she play?
Main Fandom:
Fandoms next in line:
Past Fandoms:
Our last meme got 375 comments, and we have waaaay more members this time!
!mod post,
!m&m: friending meme