T________________________________________T nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo T_________________________T

Sep 05, 2010 23:40

Nooooo T____________________T

Why Kim Jae why? T____T She doesn't love you.... I do! Kiss ME T_T Why? T______________________________________________T

I was supposed to work.

Now I'm stuck on this scene instead.

Didn't see the end... maybe she slaps him again? I couldn't watch it to the end... :'(

I have to >_<

Kim Jae....see you're making me write all these boring things and I end up spamming people's friends pages... I blame you and your hotness, your cuteness, your Kim Jaeness and how much I love you T.T Damn you!

Yesterday I stopped in the middle of ep9 because I couldn't bear all this Kim Jae-ness...today I thought "I will finish watching ep 9 and start ep 10".. I watched 5 minutes and this happens. Maybe 5 minutes are enough...I'll finish ep 9 tomorrow >.< otherwise I might die of a heart-atack...

Kim Jae T.T

actor: kim jae wook, !completely uninteresting stuff about me, *doramas, kdorama: bad guy

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