SGA 03x03 Irrresistible & SG1-10x03 - review

Jul 29, 2006 04:13

I saw both the Stargates and I plan to re-watch, but these are my first thoughts:

"Irresistible" was... interesting. On the one hand, Richard Kind always makes me laugh. There's something about his facial expressions and the way he talks. It was all very farcical and the Lantean's reactions (oh-so smitten) had me giggling and guffawing for most of the episode.

But then I think about Lucius and I add it all up: he uses chemical substance, without people's consent, to get sexual favors. That he marries them doesn't make it less... icky. And he says, it only draws out what they wanted first place. Oh, they wanted it? It made me feel guilty for finding any of it funny. I sort of wish we knew that Lucius would have to pay with more than just a string of divorces. Ronon's idea of stringing him up, upside down and cutting off his *whatever* wouls be a nice start.

Still, the one woman who said she refused to sleep with him... more that once... made me laugh, even as I shuddered and wondered why even the once?

I did like the few instances of fan service (How do you get your hair to do that? Bwah!) and Teyla's multiple looks of disdain.

And my Ronon was all growly, but he smiled so much I can't wait to get some screencaps. First thing in the morning.

Also, I'm still not in love with Sheppard, but I have to admit, he's very cute in this episode. I could have done without the Rodney & John show, though. I wanted it to be Zelenka or Lorne or Cadman or someone else we don't see that often. I'd love to see that, in fact: an episode where it's told from the POV of one or more of the 2ndary characters. I liked the way "Michael" was told from Michael's POV.

As for the rest--the planned Stargate hopping. Color me disappointed that it might be even easier to get to Earth. Heck, why don't they just blend it into one show?

Overall, I'm just ticked that there was no follow through on what happened in the last episode. I didn't expect them to all be all flagellating themselves, but a little follow-through would be nice. Having such a humor-based episode follow "Misbegotten" seems like such a strange programming choice.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the next episode (more Ronon!) lives up to my expectations.

ETA After I got a digital copy of the episode, I watched the intro and I have to say:
1) The info dump when Rodney explains the Intergalactic Stargate Bridge (hey, that sounds like a 70s song!) to Ronon was the clunkiest bit of exposition ever. Alas, it was only one of many clunky info dumps in tonight's SGA and SG1.
2) Teyla's response to Lucius's question about Athos (Is it nice?... Until it was culled by the Wraith.) killed me!

"The Pegasus Project". Hmm. I don't know. I want to be enamored by this show, but I'm finding it forgettable. It's a shame because I was on Cloud 9 when I found out Claudia Black & Ben Browder would be on this show. I like CB and enjoy her interactions with Michael/Shanks, but I miss seeing BB's wackiness. I'll probably get tired of complaining that SG-1 isn't Farscape. Maybe.

It was cool to see them blow up the Ori and Wratih ships. Wish we could get those 2 groups together in a small galaxy and let them duke it out. Still, it didn't feel very team-like because they were all split up.

I'll probably watch again, but I can't say I'm all excited about it.

stargate atlantis, review, stargate sg-1

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