So it's June...

Jun 20, 2007 08:52

Time flies when you dont have any of it. I didnt realize it had been over a month since Iast posted.
Lots going on as usual. We've been working on the house and gearing up for a busy summer.
I still love my job but the next few weeks look like they will be pretty hectic.

Mal had his christening on 5/26. We had about 50 ppl over for a reception at the house. It turned out great and Ma handled all the handling really ell. In fact, he is doing really well. It's amazing how easy going he is and happy. He is always smiling and talking to us. He will sit with anyone and rarely cries unless he is seepy or hungry. Even then it's short lived. He is still sleeping through the night and loves to see his nanny on Monday morning after she's been gone for the weekend. She is doing really well with him. He gets excited over books which confirms for me that she's been reading to him often like i wanted.  They sing songs and watch cartoons and Mal is really turning into an aweome person. His personality is so bubbly and sweet and easy going.
I'm a litte sad that I dont see him much during the week tho. He sleeps from 8-6 or 7 most mornings. I often have to wake him before I go and when I come home we ony have 2 hours together before he is down for the night.  I need to figure out how to work for 10-2  and still get things done or at least master being all things to all people. 
We celebrated our first father's day sunday. J spent most of it at the hospital but came home in time to open presents and go out to dinner.
It was last minute and i couldnt get a res anywhere. We decided to take Mal back to the Rainforest cafe so he could stare at the fish and the gorillas again *lol*

I managed to get a few pics while we were out .

And some random pics


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