So we're in 2021 now. I feel that most of last year, including the holidays, were all effectively "Blursday."
Guster posed (OMG he hated that unattached Santa hat so much) for the annual Christmas photo.
While I was making dinner one night in early December, Nick took it upon himself to set up the lights and decorations on the Christmas Tree. How awesome is he?
Nick is amused. Or... something.
Beyond that, it has been a quiet time for sure. Still feeling stir-crazy, still avoiding social fun time other than very small covid groups, and generally looking forward to the day I can get vaccinated.
I still commute to work a couple times a week, even though our office has been 'closed' since mid-March and shows no signs of opening. I like going into the office a couple times a week for the change of scenery and the help in focus. Even though most of the time it is empty (we have a whole floor and only 12 attorneys plus support staff) I enjoy working there.
Various photos on the way or at work.
And finally, Guster and Nick's dog Baloo continue to be best of friends, adopted brothers, and neutered pansexual lovers or whatever it is with dogs. Dogs don't label love and those two are insanely friendly.
They are always sitting on each other or cuddling.
Click on any of the photos above to embiggen.
Other than that, just feeling the sting of no interaction. Yesterday was the Super Bowl and this was the first time in 8 or 9 years that I did not throw a party. Which was weird. It was touching, numerous people reached out to me precisely because I was the friend that always threw a Super Bowl Party, even if I wasn't enthused about what teams or players (I'm look at you Brady) were making it there that year. The parties have been as small as twenty people, although back in 2019 I think 65 people showed up. It was pretty crowded.
This year I just watched it at home while eating mini-tacos. It was still a good time, but I gave up at the half time show.
And life moves forward. Looking forward to things warming up.