Jun 11, 2006 20:27
The tight rope walker has been practicing his act for his entire life. The tight rope is all that he knows. And he knows it very well. One day, all the people in his city came to watch him walk his tight rope. Nobody came to see him finish; the all wanted to see him fall. So he walks his tight rope, one side to the other. The crowd stares in silence. He begins to walk back across. He sees below him the silent crowd. He doesn't know who they are or where they come from, for all he knows is the rope. All he has ever known is backwards and forwards. He sees the crowd below, moving in and around eachother. And so he considers left and right, and falls to his death. The crowd cheers and goes home. Now all the dogs in the city have their dinner.
Two men found themselves clinging to the edge of a cliff above a rushing river. Time went by, and no help came. One of the men became tired and wanted to jump. He tried to convince the other man to jump with him. He said that the water would cool them off. He said they would be able to rest at the bottom. He said that was the only chance to leave the canyon they were in. He said that their situation was too precarious to expect anything better. He didn't want to be alone. So he jumped. He was swept away by the current. When help came, the man still clinging to the cliff was rescued. When asked if there was anyone else, he replied,"No, I am the only one." The man who jumped was never found, but he didn't die. He spent the rest of his life trapped in the canyon, alone.