Aug 06, 2005 18:43
please pray for me. i have so many mixed emotions. i keep getting high up, and then fall lower than i started. i feel empty. i feel as though the spark of love that i have for all those around me has gone out. towards my girlfriend, family, friends, and even God, i feel empty. when i tell them i love them, it feels empty. i keep on getting doubts swarming in my head if i even do love all these people. i dont even know what love is anymore it seems. i dont know how much more of this i can take. im trying to argue with myself and tell myself that i do love them, i know it, but then i keep on doubting that i do in the back of my head. I HATE THIS! i have never felt so torn. and the worst thing is, i dont even know why i am feeling this way. i have no idea what started it, and i am losing hope that there is an end to it in sight. i need your prayers. i need to feel love for others again. i cant live without it. i was the happiest person ever, i was so in love with my life and God and my girlfriend and my family and friends, and then it just went away overnight, literally overnight. i need God's strength, i need His peace, His love, and i need His guidance as to whether or not i should see a counselor about this. please pray for all those things for me. i need this spark back in my life. i cant lose all the people that i had so close to my heart. i cant go on not feeling anything towards them. please pray.