Holy shit; I have a journal.

Sep 30, 2011 10:57

Hey. Been a good long time. Things have changed. Again. Sorry I haven't been replying to anyone. I've been reading, at least.

First of all:

  • PLURKPLURKPLURK : This is my new LJ. I have filters here for private groups and it's basically an interactive LJ for me now. You can join/add me HERE.

  • Moving again : Yeah, yeah. Financially speaking, I'm in a horrific place right now. I can't scrounge enough money up for SCAD without dipping into private loans, which, with my credit, are going to be impossible for me to maintain, let alone receive. So, despite all the shit I went through to get down here, including the process of losing Eames, my car... I'm giving up on SCAD.

  • Job : I did get a job since my last entry at Sears. Been doing alright. I'm going to try and see if I can transfer with them when I relocate, though I'm not sure how that would work. Speaking of where I'm going...

  • Indiana : Sounds random, doesn't it? Well, I guess not, if you've been around me for awhile. I'm moving in with Jake, friend of about 12-13 years now. My expenses with him would drop immensely and give me time to pay off some of my student loans as well as get back on my feet. I'd like to try and get a car again while I'm there, so we'll see how it all goes. If I bomb there, too, my mother has offered me a place to stay with her when she moves into their new house. Either way, I should be alright for a bit.

  • So, school : Considering two places: IUPUI in Indiana has a fantastic Creative Writing major in their English department. It actually gives me the option to avoid poetry as much as I can, which I enjoy. It looks like a nice, solid degree.
    The other option is Full Sail, the career/vocational school. Yeeeeah. Has a bad reputation here and there, honestly, but despite that, it has so many fantastic fucking classes that are so specific that I don't think I can really fail to not learn from them. There's a class specifically for writing for video games. Uhm, fuck yes? I looked into FS back when I was 18 for game design but didn't go through with it. I think I might give them another shot. Plus, the school is online, so even if I move, I don't have to give it up, and that's reassuring.

  • Emotionally Speaking : lol, fucking train wreck. I've been smashing the self-loathing button on and off so much to a point I don't want to fucking do anything with anyone until I stop being an asshole.

  • LJRP : Despite the last bit there, I am finally giving LJRP a shot. As who, you ask? Who the fuck else am I playing? clochesommelier fucking sobs.

Okay, bye for now.

my life in bullet points, oh god everything, emoemoemo, college is expensive high school, metamorphosing butterfly stuck in a loop

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