Feb 03, 2008 09:34
In an effort to regain control of my self, I'm trying to regain control of my environment. I moved in here in September and I haven't unpacked, or cleaned, or done anything but eat and sleep here.
Today I'm doing my laundry. All of it. I haven't done laundry basically since I moved in. I've been getting by on small loads in the basement laundromat, but my pile of dirty clothes has never diminished. I'm taking it all to the laundromat and I will probably fill four of the machines that hold 5 loads each. i don't care if it takes me the rest of the day.
How on earth did I acquire this much clothing?
On another note, Ryan Thomas's birthday party was simply stellar. I drank an absurd amount of Miller High Life and caught up with the world. Plus there was a campfire; I love campfires, and smelling like woodsmoke later. It makes me feel like chopping or sawing things, or working this great land to do my bidding.
It is also bittersweet; I love my apartment but there's no way I'll ever have a fireplace here.
Where the party at tonight?