So I've been up to some stuff but all I really care to mention right now is the latest graphical graphiceyness thing. Maybe I'll rant more afterwards, who knows.
Guess...go on GUESS who it's for :p. Quite pleased, even if I did randomly stumble over the nice blending stuff by accident from thinking "ah hell it's Photoshop, if I don't like what happens I can just remove the layer" and just kicked some stuff around not thinking anything of it...and what it all rolled up and looked like was the base of that. Add some fine strokes and smudges for good measure and there we go. Click it to get the png24 version, with this one I didn't think it was loosing too much and was able to clear some of the stupid blocky texture around the arm up so just went with gif this time to shut up people that still use IE and also down the file size from around 110kb, but if you were curious, it's linked into the above.
...No, screw it, that still comparitvely sucks. Back to the png24 then and if the transparency doesn't work, I'd rather there be a grey block than blocky pixel marks gouged into the arm.
Visiting my old Middle School tomorrow...what the hell they're going to think of me, lol. I'm sure some still remember me considering I've had a brother and sister go through there and other such joys...but hell, even in the last year or two I've quite changed so it'll be amusing to go in with my hard rock appearance being as tall as most of them and such. If Ms. Allan's still there I don't think she'd be as surprised as everyone else that I'm now in Freelance Graphics...however lucrative and consistent it may or not be out here, lol. Fun stuff.
Thinking when we're there I'm just going to bring up the whole thing about Gemma and getting together sometime since I'm sick of if only just not knowing anyone out here and having nowhere to really go, as such. Though I could go to Newcastle, and apparently my Brother needs to go and I do feel like getting into the city again sometime soon so I may well do that, see what I can find. Naru's whole 'hang around at a geeky store' thing won't work though, hehe. Would have if we still lived in Boston, that place decided to suddenly rock and there was one or two places I could have just hung around in, but that all changed just as we were leaving...bastards. Oh well, we were 3 miles out in the middle of nowhere anyway so like my brother I'd rather we hadn't moved out of the area completely but eh, here we are. So I'll see what happens tomorrow.
As well as doing other stuff like essentially not being here, focusing on some more important stuff and being squirely (...later, maybe) I've been playing the Thief II - Shadows of the Metal Age fan-creation thing that's so fucking cool it's crazy...mostly. It runs alongside Thief II - The Metal Age and has you playing a (nicely voice acted...aswell as a whole damn cast of original voice acting) female Zaya that's slinking through a city full of all the usual noir'ish evil charms. All in all I really quite like it, though it does reaffirm my standing that I freaking hate zombies. Mostly just because they're harder to get rid of, you can't just knock them out for the night and slink past. Sure, they're also really stupid, slow and easy to avoid but catacombs and the like don't tend to have large hallways. I say mostly cause a select (growing) few cut scene briefing things don't want to play on my system. At all. I try to run them in anything else and they crash that application just the same, I've also installed it from 3 different sources (PC Gamer DVD, GamerHell Direct Download, BitTorrent) and I get the same thing so blah to that. Just means I have to alter the name of the particular cut scene (having taken an appropriate guestimate at which first to corrupt since on loading thumbnail view, it was always that one that didn't get loaded when Explorer crashed) and all it does now is go blank for a second and skips to the next mission, good good. Outside that I have a transcript of the briefings so I just read through that when time comes for a mission brief that crashes the bloody game. Ah well, Thief was always problematic, especially with the cut-scenes but it's all good fun.
No one appears to be on so I'm now stuck between more Thiefsie'ing or watching some anime. Watched Seven Samurai last night, that was good old classic (1954 classic) fun. Lesse what I have for anime to yet finish watching and I'll decide on that...course I also have an avatar to do but that shouldn't take so long.