So here goes... I was was 12 years old when I first started BBS'ing that was back in the day if you do the math. I had a 300 baud modem and an apple //e. A guy taught me how to use the long distance companies to dial for free it was called phreaking. Then once I started learning about that I started using the packet switching networks of the time and i wrote text files on how to move in and out of them and to recognize systems to hack. Here is the file right here exactly as I wrote it with better english and thaught than I have right now... Please notice the WARZONE quote at the bottom of the file... off "don't forget the struggle don't forget the streets" One of the first places I learned about was another network called the milnet or millitary network and I used hack and scan all about it and have fun chatting with other hackers from all around the world. That is what became the internet it's been around forever but would only yield webpage technology when html was invented. We would exchange information on the german unix chats and this one in france called QSD. I used to call up car dealerships and pretend I was from TRW the credit reporting agency and social engineer (bullshit) them into giving me thier login and passwords so I could pull credit reports and get information on people. I wrote a text file on that as well but didn't distribute it that bigtime because it was crucial information I gave it to everyone in my groups. Occasionally I would use the information to blackball people or a few times I would use it to get merchandise with stolen credit card numbers or "carding".
Eventually my go fuck yourself attitude that I stole from punk rock got me into trouble. As Sk8 the Skinhead leader of the group TCC - The Criminal Connection I was making some enemies with some really fucking gangster type hackers mainly this one guy Phiber Optik from LOD the legion of doom. That guy was considered god at one time he started a security firm and still runs it you can find him IRC and I always wanted to tell him I was gonna fucking throw him the 3rd level of the mall we were at during the 2600 meeting I went to incognito back back in the day when I was visiting my hacker girlfriend in new york city "ground zero". Yeah long sentence eh... She was 24 I was 17 it was hot she was a chubby chick with big boobs too. I used to call her in new jersey with the phreaking codes I hacked myself. So anyways Phiber Optik gets caught and narks on some people that including me so the FEDS the Secret Service task force and State police and Bell security put a DNR on my phone line and watched me. A DNR stands for Dial Number Recorder it basically keeps track of all the calls you dial and all the digits you push. So if your hacking codes or voice mail boxes or using codes or credit cards then it has record of that. So to make this long story short after sometime of surveilience the FEDS raided my old residence 8791 West Outer Drive Detroit... (No I didn't always live in a trailer) ... The bust and proceedings after that are an entire story in itself. I made the local 2/4/7 news and someone even said CNN but i can't confirm it. I used to have a tape of a younger mike warden going up to his house with a big bushy curly hair do while Diana Lewis announced "the hacker went by the code name of Skinhead". So I ended up working in the wayne county jail and getting probation despite the livonia police pulling me over one night after the bust with a whole bunch of garbage bags from the ameritech switching station on plymouth road in my car... To this day there is a video somewhere of my bust on channel7 and 4 with Mike Holfeld in the driveway about to be run over by Sk8 the Skinhead because he wouldnt get out of my fucking driveway so I could avoid being arrested by the secret service. Someone stole the video when I was living at the hamtramck house but thats another legendary story about another legendary time.
Author Mike Warden now resides with his mother in a trailer trailer park and plays guitar and writes music everyday. He believe it was his destiny to conquer the world.