
Sep 26, 2013 00:36

Today would have been a good day to stay in bed… it really wasn’t that bad, but after being out ill for two days, I really needed to catch up at work and I should have just stayed at work during lunch, but I guess the lamps (and Halloween decorations) at Target were calling my name. After looking around, and buying not a lamp, not decorations, but a frozen dinner (soup), I headed back to the car to find an older gal parking an electric car next to my car….and I just had to talk to her about the her car, see:

I drove something like this in Key West a few years ago, it was way cool. I don’t know what the equivalent MPG is, and this gal didn’t know either as electricity is included with at the place she rents. Interesting….so in the store she went and I tried to drive away….expect I was out of gas. Wow, the first time in maybe something like 35 years. Thank goodness for AAA except they were very busy today and it took longer for them to get to me. Thus I lost a little over 2 hours of time today….finally back at work, I had to wash the microwave after said frozen dinner soup spilled all over it. And at home I just spilled a bowl of dry cat food all over the counter and floor. I guess it’s sort of funny….expect for the lost time….tomorrow will be another day.

On a silly note, on the way home, I stopped at the grocery store and bought a package of ghost peeps…..for Jesse and Heather to make “Ghost Smores”.

NOTE it is very difficult to type with a 1c`at````````````````` tail on the keyboard.

That is “cat tail” on the keyboard.
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