Misc Stuff

Nov 28, 2012 00:32

So, maybe Monday this week really was a Monday, I suppose it’s what I get for getting to have four days off…in a row.  I mean has a stranger ever asked you for directions, then later that day you realize you gave them wrong directions?  I did actually give correct directions, I just pointed to the wrong street as the starting point.  Oops.  I actually do feel bad….though I have laughed a little bit.

That was a lunch, I knew I was doomed when I got to work, my coworkers get their before me and just as I got there and sat down, I get the “oh, good you’re here….” which means there’s a strange telecommunication issue for me to figure out.  Of course I did….but it meant I didn’t start my number one task until much later….

Earlier this summer my 1999 Ford died (engine cracked), and I got another used car…a 1996 Buick….I finally got around to checking out the cassette tape deck (for you young people…look it up)….I now have a cassette stuck in the tape deck….when you try to eject it there is much clicking sounds, then it displays “E3”.  I assume that means “Error 3” which I assume means when I finally look this up in the manual (yes, I got the manual with the used car…)  I assume it will just say I am screwed.  The tape is an Andrew Lloyd Weber collection, so, maybe E3 means I have a phantom in my dashboard.  I received the tape at Kitty Canterbury’s memorial...many of her books, tapes, movies, toys, were givin out, it was kind of cool….so, I guess I have a little bit of Kitty in my car.  I really loved Kitty, but I rather have a phantom in my car than Kitty.

When I got home, I found that our kitchen trashcan with the slow closing lid, now is a fast closing one…thud.  I haven’t checked it out to see if it’s fixable….maybe I’ll have to actually break down and buy the one with the motion controlled lid.  They are cool….but I figure the cats with start playing with it.

And lastly, is it sad that the evil corporate management of Hostess didn’t think past running the company into the ground.  I mean I haven’t eaten Wonder bread since the 1960s, but I do like a pie, chocolate doughnuts, twinkie, ding dongs, and ho hos,  once in a while….I don’t need to eat any of this stuff….but still I really hope that those screwed up executives loose all their money.

now it's time to sleep. 
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