Birthday, Thanksgiving, Last week of classes, oh my!!

Dec 01, 2008 08:49

Hey folks,

Just wanted to give you an update on my life. First a bit of bragging. I bought my car in October and filled it up after driving back from LA. Today is December 1st (World AIDS Day - do something significant for you to remember it) and I have filled up my tank only once in November! And it cost about $25. Prius love.

Birthday - I am now 27 years of age, and couldn't be finer for it. Since it is my personal belief that my current age is always the best age of my life, I am not overly phased by the birthday blues. I had a great party on last Sunday night with about 12 friends. We ate, drank, and were merry. Played games including Encore and two different people made me birthday cakes from scratch. We also watched a funny video that Ellen, Marcos and I put together about a year ago about a mock-therapy session.

Thanksgiving - Went to Amber and Jill's house, it was really nice. Delicious food (instead of turkey, the money was donated to adopt a turkey...yay granola lesbians). Amber's parents were there. It was very fun, very mid-western meets CA. =o) With my white Lutheran upbringing, I felt right at home. We played Hoopla and had yummy desserts (including brownies and ice cream because they knew I don't like pumpkin pie...isn't that sweet)

Last Week of School - Yay!! - I'm so happy that this is the last week of classes, I get a buttload of papers on Thursday to grade, but that will be my final TA act, in addition to submitting their grades online.

Two more weeks until I'm back in FL for about 3 weeks, yay!!!! I can't wait!
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