You might be interested in this short yearly survey of "civic literacy"
(knowledge about government, history, policy, economics).
If so, the multiple-choice test, which will report to you your results,
can be found here: Then compare your score to a national sample. Here are the results of
the 2008 survey of 2508 citizens:
America's Report Card Text
In spring 2008, a random sample of Americans took a straightforward test
designed to assess each respondent's "knowledge of America's founding
principles and texts, core history, and enduring institutions"---ISI's
definition of civic literacy. As detailed below, over 70% of Americans
failed this basic test of the kind of knowledge required for informed
and responsible citizenship.
Grade Number Surveyed Percent Surveyed
Grade A(90 to 100%) 21 0.8%
Grade B(80 to 89.9%) 66 2.6
Grade C(70 to 79.9%) 185 7.4
Grade D(60 to 69.9%) 445 17.8
Grade F(59.9% and below) 1,791 71.4
Total 2,508 100.0