Nov 04, 2007 23:02
Okay, well maybe not that hard. Of course I am only saying this because the projects that my teacher is throwing our way arent that bad. A landscape here, a still life there. Nothing exciting. And I swear one day I will post my work from school, this will be a busy page when I do finally do that.
I've got some good news that I am going to be sitting on for a little bit. Neaner neaner and other taunt noises ensue. I can let out of the bad though that I am going to be moving at the end of the month. I am tired of living alone and far from friends and loved ones. I will be getting a screaming deal on living in my friends home. I will be paying rent and doing chores, which I don't mind in the least. The only concern I have is his cat V my girlfriends allergic reaction to cats. I am going to have to keep my room closed off and most things vacuumed to an inch of their life.
Things are going well with Julie, we spent last night watching Interview With A(the?) Vampire. Aparently men are hotter when they are undead she says. Who knew? I am having a semi hard time adjusting to opening up to another person. I've been silent for pretty much a decade. Its a big change to have someone care for me like she does. Its also a very nice feeling. I am happay! She also enjoys calling her feet feetsies (feet seas). She is very wonderful to be with.
A month to better your life. I was reading up on big changes in life, cause you know, I've been going through a few. So anyhow I found a list of suggestions that didn't seem like total crap with raisins (two scoops!). Most of them were just normal ho hum things, but I guess thats what can make the biggest impact. I will be attemtpting to post in this journal more for the next month. Perhaps I can get into the habit of getting my thoughts concrete and ETERNALLY PUBLIC! Take that, Internet! I know your scam.
Schools almost out, I'm probably not going to be going back this next semester. I need to work out scheduling conflicts that I see arising. I'm not abandoning it though, I still have much to learn about the Artsin. I still need to work on my figure drawings, beyond that I now know color theory better than I used to and light logic is nigh my bitch.
Allrighty kids, I am tired now. I shall talk to you later.