Oct 06, 2003 22:30
i walk in the company of knives without fear or hesitation,
of dismemberment, dispersion, or desperation.
i run with the mercy of noise without thought or notice,
of spatialization, distortion or avarice.
i got to speak to my sister in law and nephew on the phone a few days ago. i have only spoken to them for a few minutes on a couple different occasions. they live in england near london so its not the easiest to always talk to them. this is the first time i had a chance to talk to them in length.
i talked to theo (my nephew age 7) for a good length of time. we talked about riding bikes. i can already tell he's my kind of kid. my sister in law (katie) said he talked to me for longer then he usually talks to people. he's a really well mannered intelligent kid. my father in law said "he's a good kid, just not a nice kid!" read: my kind of kid.
i talked to katie for a while as well which was really cool. we talked books and such. we have a lot of similar tastes. at least we will have something to talk about when we meet in person. haven't had a chance to talk to steven yet (brother in law) but i've heard he's cool so looking forward to that.
which brings me to... we got plane tickets for christmas. i am very excited. i get to meet most all of my in-laws for the first time. i think its going to be fun to hang out with the london lot (steven, katie and theo.) steven seems like a cool guy and he's a musician. so more common ground to go on. i think we are going to have a blast. we all have the same kind of humor. sometimes i don't realize i have all this extra family now. like i don't realize i'm an uncle until i say the words. i think its so cool. it's going to be interesting. i'm also excited to be in rhode island during the winter. lots of snow! plus its a very rich well to do neighbor hood. i'm expecting a very nastalgic small town christmas. i dig that kind of stuff. we get to go look at these huge mansions all decorated for x mas. i can just imagine me in my bdu's cable knit sweater scarf and heavy jacket and boots... in ALL black. in a mansion. a big old one. in an old rich nice neighborhood. i can see the stares now. it's going to be great.
i hate my 5 am shift at work. i barely dragged my carcass out of bed this morning. i always suck it up and make it through on two hours of sleep but it sucks. i generally barely make it through. which sounds really dramatic, but i can't stand dragging myself through the day. it's just hard as hell to sleep at a decent time when i didn't get to bed until midnight the night before that because i closed. i don't know, it's something i have to do but i guess i feel i need to vent about it.
just down.