Dec 01, 2004 11:48
I had to stop in at the nyu library to change into my gym pants I'm so soaked. Unfortunately i thought it would be OK to wear my canvas vans today, not a good idea, but luckly its not too cold out. The apartmant looks so cozey! Especiallly since the kitchen light went up and we put up xmas lights instead. I made soup last night and so did Jess but I didn't eat mine becausse I was going to go and meet Nahum in Brooklyn for Indian-the food wasn't so good but it was so cool to see Park Slope, Brooklyn! Net on the list of cool brooklyn neigbherhoods Willimsburg and Caroll Gardens. Then we walked to the Park Slope co-op, its huge, modern and only open to members which is pretty amazing. I had to be signed in as a guest just to go look arround! And although it would have been nice to be the one to say "sorry if I lead you on" I didn't have to, and I'm glad because I'm so awkward with that shit, because he is a perceptive person so word to that. Two hours to class so I should go read-I dont want to go back outside! I want to stay cosey and dry in the basement of nyu library! Forever!