Okay, so, I know I have a heap of stories that I should be working on - and a few I owe some of you - but I couldn't resist having a go at this meme. Perhaps if I start at sentences I can work my way up. Or perhaps I'll keep saying that I'll write and dont. AU? WHAT AU?
asinful Below is a listing of the alphabet. Comment with a letter of your
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Comments 54
Fandom starts with S and ends in N.
Did not even gonna try and be subtle :p
shh, my heads full of much needed dean/sam schmoop :)
D for Dance
L for Late
CM, dude.
It’s in his walk and talk, not in his emotions but in his effort to hide them; it’s in the things you wouldn’t see if you weren’t a profiler, but that’s just it: you are [and he knows it].
dance - hotch/morgan if you squint?
In the morning, afterwards, they quickstep round the kitchen making coffee, careful not to touch or graze or bump the other, careful not to tip the first domino and set a path back to the bedroom [they’re late for work already].
late - morgan/garcia
It’s in the wake of one-too-many hit and misses, the smoke clearing as the latest bombshell walks out of his bedroom, his life - it’s then that he knows who he wants to wake up with, and it’s too late now, anyway.
and the fandom: starts with S ends with L
Sam wakes up, screaming, sheets tight around his hot skin - chains - and Dean in the next bed telling him it’s only a dream [they still have one week left].
read on, love. it's not about sex.
P - photograph, Gideon/Reid gen (I'm going to get this gen one way or the other!)
idek. I'm in a mood for gen fic. :)
He’s too late, thirty blood-splattered, faithless years too late, he knows, and yet he finds himself saying it anyway: please, God, get me out of here [Sammy needs me].
photograph - reid&gideon
When you get back your photo’s still pinned on the white board, next to Hotch’s desperate scrawl [your twenty five years in a few short words]; and when Gideon walks in to find you staring, he doesn’t rush to take it down, or make excuses, he just puts a gentle hand on your back and says, “there’s no crime in being a victim, Reid.”
Cameron/13 from House. I HEART THAT PAIRING NOW.
Thin, twisted cotton-cords pull, pull her closer, the loop and curl of the other girl’s tongue [inside her] entices, teases, and the sight of House stooped in the doorway pushes her over the edge.
Thats V V hot XD
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