Okay, so, I know I have a heap of stories that I should be working on - and a few I owe some of you - but I couldn't resist having a go at this meme. Perhaps if I start at sentences I can work my way up. Or perhaps I'll keep saying that I'll write and dont. AU? WHAT AU?
asinful Below is a listing of the alphabet. Comment with a letter of your
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Fandom starts with S and ends in N.
Did not even gonna try and be subtle :p
shh, my heads full of much needed dean/sam schmoop :)
Sam finds you naked, hungry and tied to a you-can’t-miss-it welcome sign [just outside You’re So Fucking Lost, Arizona]; and all he has to offer is a cocky smirk, twirl of your knife and, “I told you not to sleep with his girlfriend.”
how about we extend this a little further ;)
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