It seems I missed my 3rd LJ-versary. HOWEVER, I did post a picture of koalas on that day. So perhaps, unconsciously, I remembered all along. What says playing-fandoms better than two koalas spaced out on eucalyptus? I don’t know. Anyway, in a lazy tribute to the three years I’ve spent here - and because the main reason I signed up was to write and
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Umm can't think of just one thing; but I really do love your fic. They're so interesting, poetic and the emotions shine through.
And that you coaxed me into reading Brokeback Mountain, without that I'd have missed out on something really good. 'Don't judge a book by it's movie adaptation' is a valuable lesson for us all.
You did indeed, yes.
Aww thank you *hugs*
Yeah that would be fun, lol, I read stuff in random other fandoms too sometimes.
Info about the show is on
Then eps themselves are uploaded here ...
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