look, they'll be alright.

Jul 29, 2009 21:20

I'm watching due South, Bounty Hunter, and Fraser is paying Ray for his services while Ray gets shitty at the only woman Fraser had any real feelings for [after Victoria]. I love my show.

I know a lot of you are spoilerphobes, and I guess I understand, but I've come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, the opposite. An anti-spoilerphobe? A spoiler-freephobe? Whatever you call it, I am it. Especially when it comes to Supernatural because, as it is the first show of its kind that I have become ~involved with, I need some preparation for that shit. Seriously. So, if you ever see a juicy tidbit that's, super juicy, please feel free to come over to mijmeraar and spread that love around.

I went over to spnstoryfinders because I was thinking of a fic that I KNEW was popular but just couldn't seem to find, and some genius directed me to the NEW link. It's called Woke Up New and it's by light_up who apparently has a writing journal now. It's such a great fic. It manages to show how both perfect and tragic Jared and Jensen are, it doesn't solve anything but it instills hope, and I love it.


I feel like it's always that time. WEIGHT LOSS TIME. Tonight it was like someone slapped me upside the head or something. My weight's been fluctuating, and while I have lost a dress size, it's just not enough, for all the work I've been doing. I've had enough of the lethargy, the low self esteem, the poor health. I mean, I'm in the healthy weight range and everything, but that's not a reflection on my nutrition, as you well know.

ANYWAY, so, I know a few of you have had huge success with weight loss. You're all amazing, and I wish I had - I want to have - your discipline. I mean, I only drink tea and water [the occasional juice, but I stress occasional] and I've recently cut sugar out of my tea completely. I don't eat white bread. I have skim milk. I eat lots of fruit [probably need to eat more vegetables]. MY QUESTION: WHAT GETS YOU THROUGH THE DAY? SO YOU SNACK, AND JUST MAKE IT SOMETHING GOOD, OR DO YOU ABSTAIN? WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS?

I eat good meals, but it's all the EXTRA stuff. I have such a huge appetite, and usually that appetite can only be quenchced with something sweet. I'm a huge sweet tooth. ANYWAY, THE POINT is I wanted to put this out there, so it's out there. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and go, fuck it, I'll do it later. I want to start right now. It's a promise I'm making, mostly to myself, which is the most important part, I suppose.

Well, wish me luck, I'll keep you updated ♥&hearts

recs, i am my own worst enemy, mij-me, fries with that, i've got demon blood in me dean

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