a star was born <3

Jul 27, 2009 20:37

Today, the 27th, is the birthday of two very special ladies.

captain_lubey, Lucy Goosey, I know I've been so neglectful but I love you no less today then I did all that time ago when you were a fresh faced MASH lover with stars in your eyes and a heart the size of EVERYTHING and we became fast friends and you helped me come out of my shell, not in a physical sense, but as a writer and everything else, ILU forever for that, and just for being you. I hope you had a great day and I must call you soon so we can touch base, much much much much love <333

ALSO, to paintmydays, a sweetheart, always full of praise, patient as I endeavoured to write that Jeff/Jensen fic that KICKED MY ARSE, haha. I always love seeing posts and comments from you hon, I hope your birthday is filled with every kind of happiness :D♥
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