This year, the weekend before Halloween, the Potter fans of the St. Louis, Missouri area have managed to pull together a Wizard Rock event the likes of which has probably never been attempted before. It will be a Woodstock-style event. A nice campgrounds with everything from bunks to full cabins are available, and it's not just the nightly concerts! It's a full weekend of Potter mania, just before Halloween. It'll be like a convention, except less tightly scheduled, and more fan-run.
Here's the website:
wrockstock2007 In the words of the organizers:
We're the St. Louis Area Wizards, and we are pleased to present Wrockstock Spooktacular 2007. The Wrockstock Spooktacular is a music festival, not unlike Woodstock, dedicated to the awesome Wizard Rock Bands out there. All procedes from the WrockStock will go to The Harry Potter Alliance (you can read more about this at the bottom of this page). Here's some general info (forgive us while the web wizards work their magic!):
Name: Wrockstock Spooktacular
Dates: October 26-28, 2007
Location: Trout Lodge, Potosi, MO
This will be a relaxed weekend full of HP fun, wizard rock and halloween-y goodness. Two nights of music, one electric, one acoustic...other activities will include a Triwizard Tournament, Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday party, HP crafts, plus it's a choose-your-own-adventure weekend, where you can create your own schedule of daytime activities based on what the Lodge offers.
Now, the big question:
WHO'S GOING, and if you're going and you're a SLASHER, would you like to join me and a few other people in reserving a "Family Cabin" to become the Slasher's Lodge? If you can come, and you want to join in a Slashers' Lodge, please:
1. Be at LEAST 18 years old! Non-negotiable, sorry. We're slashers. There will be PORN and ALCOHOL. We thought about making it 21+, but decided that 18 is legal adulthood, and can be responsible for herself or himself. However, we can't have underage people around if we're reading, writing, drawing, and discussing pornography.
2. Post a reply here. I need a headcount first.
3. E-mail me at, with "Slashers' Lodge" as the subject line.
4. COMMIT to it.
If we fill a cabin, I'll try to get the extra people in contact with each other so that maybe we can have a second Slashers' Lodge nearby. The cabin won't hold more than 15, but I think we're going to cap it at 12. I'm NOT the only person looking for other roommates for this cabin, so it's NOT going to be just the first 10 people who reply specifically to me.
emmagrant01 and
fiona_fawkes are also looking for people for this cabin, and we'll have to consolidate our lists.
This is going to be so much fun!!!