Please forgive the lack of an LJ-cut, but I want to get everyone's attention. I'm sure you know about this by now: sure you've read the article on LJ-news before you do anything else.) In response to the new Pepsi advertisements, V-gifts, and logos all over the place, in VIOLATION of LJ's customer contracts, I say we take a stand, and hit Six Apart where it counts.
I just got off the phone with Pepsi Customer Relations. I told them that Pepsi's corporate sponsorship of Six Apart might be a very bad publicity move. I explained that Six Apart had, over the past several months, created a couple of nasty customer service snafus, leading to horrible customer relations. I mentioned how the last time Six Apart and Livejournal irritated us, we did a bit of a census to see how many of us were angry (do you remember "fandom_counts"?), and we raised a count of over 30,000 people in just a few short days. That's power in numbers. As I continued to explain, I said that Six Apart is now violating customer contracts by placing advertisements on Paid Accounts, which is infuriating a lot of customers all over again. The advertisements they're using are Pepsi advertisements, which I'm certain hadn't been Pepsico's intent. I pointed out that I was sure Pepsi wouldn't want its own logo to be used in advertising that violated customer contracts. So, basically, we're getting spammed with Pepsi advertisements, which, if anything, is bad publicity for Pepsi, and could easily lead to people refusing to buy Pepsi products on principle. I didn't say that there was any boycott of any sort being discussed - however, I did say that it was enough to make me stop buyng Pepsi products, and it would probably have the same effect on other people as well. In other words, Pepsi's own advertising campaign could backfire and give them negative publicity if they continue with Six Apart.
Pepsi is a large enough corporation that they don't need the headache of dealing with a corporate cockroach like Six Apart. If Pepsi smells bad publicity, they'll bail. I'm NOT, repeat NOT doing this to hurt Pepsi. (If you call Pepsi, make sure you do it with full awareness that this is not Pepsi's fault.) Go into it attempting to persuade Pepsico to withdraw corporate sponsorship from Six Apart for their own corporate reputation.
So, in short, I suggested that it might bode well for Pepsi to get out of their corporate sponsorship deal with Six Apart as soon as possible.
Here's what I'm asking you to do:
CALL PEPSI. Tell them what's happening with Six Apart. Explain that 6A is violating customer contracts by placing Pepsi advertisements in paid accounts, and that customers of LiveJournal are angry - NOT at Pepsi, but at LiveJournal and Six Apart. Tell them that it will look bad for Pepsi to continue advertising with Six Apart, and that Pepsi should withdraw their corporate sponsorship for their own good. Again, don't be rude to the Pepsi people! They have nothing to do with Six Apart's stupidity, and they probably don't even know about this. Just pass on the information.
I didn't call the customer service line directly because I couldn't find it at first, but I got connected through the vendor's number. I think THIS is the Customer Service line: +1(800)433-2652
Or the basic phone number for the headquarters: +1(914)253-2000 That should connect you to anybody at the Headquarters, and I'd recommend this number most.
Here's the link to a page listing their entire roster of Corporate executives and offices: Here's their address:
Pepsi Customer Relations
Pepsico, Inc
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
evilimp, you and your friends from your college can go directly to the office! DO IT! Seriously, will you???)
Also, for the UK:
PepsiCo United Kingdom
1600 Arlington Business Park
Theale, Reading
Berkshire, RG7 4SA UK
Salman Amin
And most importantly... TELL YOUR F-LIST! Feel free to copy/paste all of this information. Pass it on. Flood Pepsi with phone calls. Hit Six Apart where it hurts the most. Six Apart wants to piss off their original source of income - their paying customers - so we'll remove their shiny new source of income. Come on, we're fandom. We can do anything. Who's with me?