y0u mAkEe mEe riSeEe aANn h0uRr eArLy liKe y0u wASz dAyLiGhTt sAviNgSz tiMe = )

Mar 01, 2005 18:02

**~Long Survey~** (w/ good grammar and decent, unique questions)

Created by donttalktome and taken 7888 times on bzoink!
The Basics and Some PersonalsName:m!chelle alexandRa smith =]Age:a immatuRe fourteEn&a haLf =)Shoe Size:fivEeishHh ;]Height:fiVeEe.siXx [ d0n*Tt haTeEe o0n tHe g!aNtt] =] ya0OoWeight:o0nEe.fiFtEeEn.iShHh;]Pants Size:1Shirt Size:smAll o0rR meDiUmInnie or Outie?iNniEeeee;]Love QuestionsAre you in Love?n0OPEeeAre you single or taken?s i n g l e e e ; ] If single, for how long?sEeMsSs liKee f0O'eVeAaaaa;]If taken, for how long?g0shHhh ii t0llDdd yAa aLreaDdyyIf taken, by whom?fucKkk =)Do you like guys or girls?gUy$zz <3What do you think about Sporty guys?h0tTtttt =)Smart?n0tT liKe o0.dDd bUt n0t liKe duhHhh =)Dorky?n0oo thaNkKk y0Uu =]Popular?thAt w0uLd mEaNn hEe*Sz c0nFiDeNt s0Oo yEaA ii gueSs ! Your FavoritesKind of Food:e v e r y t h ! n g = ) raWw pOtAt0eSzz teEhEe=)Color:piNk = purpLee Song:m!chellEe - bYy tHe bEaTlEsSzzBand:idkKkk =]Singer: j 0 j 0 O o CD:jOj0oKind of Music:raPp&p0PpiZzLeAnimal:d0gg - jESSiCA*SS D0GG = MYY HUBBYYPlace to be?iiNnn myYy beDd @ mYy h0uSeVacation spot:yEaa becauSe ii g0Oo aNyWhErEe riTeee? loL pEnNsyLvAn!Aa wiTt m!chellEe loL h0llErr=)Actor:c h a d * m ! c h a e L * m u R r A y <3 h0tTttttttttActress:aNgEliNaA j0liEe - sAnDrAa bull0cKk - bRiTtAnYy muRpHy - maNdYy m0OrRrEeeComedian:c e d r ! C c = ) Soap Opera:g-d0tt-h f0rR m!chellEee=) hErR auNtiEe iSzz o0n iTt =) Day Time Talk Show:jeNnYy j0nE$z iSz o0vErR s0Oo mAuRyy=)Game Show:fRiEnDd o0rR f0eE o0r tHe priCe iSz riGhTt =)All Around Favorite Show:uMm . thEe mTvV baTtlEe sh0wSz, gr0wiiNng uPp g0tTi , thatSz s0Oo rAvEn& lizZiEe mcC guirE;]Drink:=]].. aMeRiCa*Sz ch0iiCeEe leMoNn liMee =) D 0 N T H A T E E E E =)Restaurant:beNn!gAnSzzNumber:3Letter:M ((iTSS A 'M' W0RLDD BiTCHESS )) =]Word:f!eNdDd=)Your Short Opinion on..George W. Bush:wateveRr .. B U S H =)Gay Marriage:whAtEvErR fl0attSz y0uRr b0aTtRocketing Gas Prices:iTt suCkSz ii gueSs . ii d0n*tT g0tTa w0rRy ab0uTt itT thOo =]Minimum Wage ($6.75):thAt*Sz g0Od ii guEss . Drunk Driving:noOoooooooooooLegal Driving Age:it*Szz g0Od =)Anorexia:baddddddddddddDddd .Mary-Kate and Anorexia:weLL aTlEaSt sHe*Sz o0vErRr itTtLindsay Lohan (18) and her 23-year-old boyfriend:g0Oo girLl =) w0rKk iTt . loL itT iSn*t thAt sEr!ouSz . thEy aRe g0nNaA bEe ovEr iNn liKe an0thErr weEk lolYoung Marriages:ii w0uLdnTt wAnNa bUt i d0n*t haTe thEm loLYoung Parents:ii w0uLdn*t d0o itT bCc iTt fuCkSz yAa lyFf uPp =)Pregnency without a Marriage:dirRrrtaYyy =) loL iidKk..Telemarketers:ii feEl s0Oo baDd f0rR thEm - bUt i*Mm a biTcHh 2 thEm =)Pop Quizzes:reaLLy suCk eSpPp . whENn y0u d0n*tt paYy*aTteNti0nN=)This Survey:itT*Sz keEpiNn meE fr0mM beiNg b0rEdd ;]Label Your Friends!Loudest:cAr!nAa - m!chellEe s0mEtiMeSzz - mEe Quietest:liSaA;mAr!eE .* m!cHhH s0mEtiMeSzz d!aNaa Nicest:aLL o0f thEmM aRe niiiCee;] diAnAa b*CoSz sHe d0eSz mYy l.jaYSz=)Person who doesn't think before they speak:cAriNaA - mEe - m!chellEe - mArYy s0mEt!meSzOutspoken:loL mArYy - mEee - cAriNaA - m!chEllEeAnnoying:uMmm.. n0OnEe . whYy w0ulDd thEy beE mYy fRiEnDs$z iFf tHeYy aRe aNnOyiNn?! a durR =) bUt thEy aLL haVe thEiRr tiMeSz =]Popular or has best chance of becoming popular:m!chelleE & caRiNa & maRy '`liL laNaA' loL eHh - jESSiCaa iSzz t0o =) Best Dressed:thEyy aLL aReeee=)Worst Dressed:meee loL Sweetest:uMm thEy aLL aReEeGiving:saMeee .. & d!aNaA bCoSz sHe aLwAySz d0eSz mYyy l jAy =) Selfish:aA hEmMm ! aLL o0f thEe baStArDsSz =] haHa jPpUngrateful:n0nee=)Social Butterfly:mEee - maRyYy .. =]Will be crowned Most Likely to Succeed by their class:mArYy! p0!NTt blAnkK=)This or ThatSoda/Punchs0dErRrSour/SweetswEeTtSummer/WintersuMmAaHhhh=)Christmas/ThanksgivingxX-maSzzEasy/ChallengingchAlleNgiNgg - iFf itT waSs eaSyy thEn eVeRyb0dYy w0uLDd d0Oo itT =) Light/DarklitEe Sun/MoonsUnNTV/Moviesm0viEsss ii thiNkkOut with Friends/Out with FamilyfRiEnD$z Cat/Dogd0gg (( jESSiCA*S D0G = 0 M G )) =] he*Szz tHe c u t e s t ; ) ~Penguin/DolphinpEnGu!nNn - 4raLph!eEe = ) <3 Book/Magazinem a g a z i N ee = ] Last Questions about the SurveyDid you like the survey?suRrEe =)Would you reccomend it to a friend?.. no =] ii w0uLdn*t ruNn iN2w0Oo sch0ol aNd bEe liKee y0ooo y0uu haVe t0o taKe thiSs suRvEyy . loL i`Mm n0t THAT*BiG o0f a wiNGg=)Where will you put your results?iNn thEe l-d0t-jaYyThanks for coming...n0oOo dizzLee ;]
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