May 28, 2005 23:27
yup.. so here i am.. in Georgia, i meant the title of this thing to sound like the beginning of the OC "California here we come" except i said "Georgia here i come" but it's not enough syllables so my sister's probably going to yell at me for being lame.
yo to all of my homies who are reading this, which would be my sister and megz. that's it. woot. all of my two friends. ha ha..
so i'm here and staying with kelly who is very cool, and we're having a lot of fun, and i have learned that georgia people arent' afraid of touching each other (as in, poking, etc. nothing bad, i swear) like some florida people i know... ahem... by the name of poodle, and myself, for that matter.
speaking of poodle, time for my last obsession episode of the summer since i'm not going to see him until august:
first off, i am SO HAPPY i'm not seeing him until august.
second off, i really don't want to be lying when i say i don't like him anymore.
third off, i'm getting over him, i swear, he was really mean on the train on friday. like, he made it completely obvious that he knows i like him, or likeD him, and that he REALLY didn't like me back at all in the slightest. i think that's kind of weird though because why would he basically tell britannica that he likes me and then basically tell me that he doesn't? though it is obvious that he likes this other viola player in school. whatever.
i don't have to think of him anymore until august, and maybe by then he will realize what a dead sexy bihoch i am.
onto other things:
i made kelly watch phantom and she was like omg that's amazing and i'm like duh and it was cool... she said she could totally see why i died the first time i saw the opening scene... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... AMAZING!!! LOVE IT !!! it's GORGEOUS!! the whole movie is GORGEOUS!! the MUSIC is GORGEOUS!! i want to watch it again. today was the 7th time i've seen it, in total. i'm not anywhere NEAR sick of yet...
gotta go now.. bye