Sep 12, 2019 22:00
For the first time in over 10 years I am facing terrible migraines that plauge me all through out the entire day, every day. Except unlike 10 years ago I now live almost 2 plus hours away from my job(1 -1.5 originally but due to constand construction on the main highway it's been horrible). I also am married and have a 4 year old that rides with me. As you can imagine that kind of drive home with migraines or on preventatives is a nightmare for a person with migraines.
My new neuro put me on Trokendi XR, the side affects were just too much. Bone pain, blurred vision, random nausa and terrible stomach pains, to name a few. Not mention the terrible pins and needles pain in my hands and sore joints. but the worst one was the frequent urination on a long drive home which ended up drawing two much water out of my body so i couldn't use the bathroom and had terrible bloating and pain and couldn't eat. I had to stop, it had decreased my migraines to 1-2 a day that went away after taking my migraine meds most of the time.
Now after 3 days off the preventative Trokendi XR the migraines appear to be back in full swing of constrant with hardly any relief and I am waitting for the doctor to call me back to try something else. I was wondering what works for everyone that has shown the least amount of side affects. I know it isn't the same for everyone but i've been out of the needing prevntatives for years so i don't really know what's out there too much. I was just hoping for some feedback. Sometimes I use peppermint oil diretly to the tempils to clear my head and it helps for a hour or two but it's helping less and less as the medicine is clearing my system. I hate Migraines, i didn't missed this. I still suffered over the years but it was only once or so a month or 3-4 days at a time but always around my cycle time or here and there. Not like this though, this is literally a nightmare it doesn't stop, i don't get a break ever, it's like constant day by day until I just want to cry. Infact I have, there's been some stressful situations at work becaues of missed time that have causes a few small breakdowns in front of my coworkers because I am just lost and feeling hopeless. They really have no idea what I am going through. I know that unless you've been through this people just don't really have a clue. Even when they say oh i have a friend that suffers, it still doesn't give them a inkling.. it affects litterally your whole life. It creates stress and anxiety and just wreaks havoc on your whole life. :( if i have misspelled anything forgive me the meds aren't helping much tonight. :(
I remembered this community from before so I was hoping to talk to some kindrid spirits and maybe share some ideas and tricks.
Over the counter stuff just flat out doesn't work for me at all. I suffer from Tension and Classic migraines. I've also recently seen the term used "breakout headahces" but not sure what all these terms mean. Any feedback would be greatly appreiciated, days are really getting tough again. I have a ton more responsibilies now than when I had them before and the long drive. :(
PS I know this is long and it's been ages since I've been on here so if I didn't post something correctly I am sorry, please refresh me what I should do. Just desperate for answers/info and people who understand how I feel and my pains.