Okay, I think everyone who has ever seen them will agree that nixie tubes are really cool looking. Up until now they have been difficult to work with - when you can find them - due to their high voltage power needs. The lovely folks at ArduiNIX.com have solved that problem for anyone interested in making something with nixies. Their new product, the ArduiNIX Arduino shield, makes using up to eight nixie tubes as easy as programming an Arduino microcontroller.
ArduiNIX Arduino shield
The shield fits over the stock Arduino, takes signals from the microcontroller, and drives the nixie tubes with its own on-board high-voltage power supply. I can’t wait to figure out a way to use this in some kind of project! Maybe a repeater for a multimeter display or just an all-purpose numerical display that takes input from a computer - temperature, caller ID… endless possibilities!
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