I can't remember a time where everything was as surreal as it was this weekend. If you weren't there you will never understand. We can all try and explain but you'll never get it. You'll never get the rushed excitement waiting in the commons. You'll never get the feeling you get when standing in front of one of the most amazing groups of people you
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-Winston Churchill
Maybe those of us that were not there will never know the feeling, but we know the time it took this summer. We know the hours of practice on tuesdays and thursdays. We know the names and faces of as many band kids as possible just so we can show one ounce of support. We miss history making football games because the band isn't there and that is the best part of going. We spend Friday nights out to show our support that we can't show in Inndianapolis because we have school. We spend our daytime minutes calling those of you far far away, just to see how you did, how you are doing, and just to catch up becuase it is always good to hear a familiar voice. We may not get the feeling that you all get after performing well, but when the show ends and my best friend didn't drop her flag, another best friend performed the solo of a life time, and another marched without screwing up, I can stand up and yell all your names with pride. I can be proud to say that I am a friend of people in the marching band.
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