i couldn't have picked a better way to end the summer. the last few days were spent with people that have not yet failed at bringing a smile to my face and i'm not a big fan of change when i like the way things are going so this whole "school" thing is really going to throw me off. saturday night a bunch of us went to the knife the glitter show at fallen eyes.. they played with the arnolfini marriage and by all vital means. it was a good show.. and it's always entertaining watching people hardcore dance hahah. good show + awesome people = fun times. the band boys were all so much fun and we convinced them all to go to ihop with us instead of heading straight for their next town. we took up two booths, one big table, and three little tables. boooya. gradually people started leaving and we decided to call it a night, we said our goodbyes to knife the glitter and the arnolfini marriage and went our separate ways. mini road trip time! courtney and i took mikey home and keith and john came along for the ride because they were just going to sleep in john's car anyways. so we headed north to strongsville and put in all the right tunes for all our right moods. music is so amazing. so mikey made it home safe and sound.. and we eventually made it back to courtney's. she decided to let keith and john stay in the basement, so we stayed in the living room all night so her dad wouldn't freak if he went to the basement in the morning. we didn't end up sleeping until around six, and woke up around... what, eight? then slept again till about ten and took keith and john back to their car. so exhausted but not in any position to go back to sleep, courtney and i headed up to boettler park where we played on tarzan viney swingy things and sat on huuuuge tires and just talked about everything and anything. eventually we headed back to her place and woke up ktc who wasn't too thrilled about that, hah, and then went out to spend all my money on silly stuff like cotton balls and deoderant. i really don't know where all the money went. it disappeared so fast. silly college expenses. and i blew my last ten bucks on subway for courtney and i mmmmmmmm. OH YEAH... and courtney gave me a haircut! and i love it! she is amazing. finally evening set in and the fact that it was the last night of summer for court and ktc was starting to set in. so we made plans to just stay up all night and watch the sunrise... we ended up driving up to see mikey and hang out with him and some friends. we crashed pizza hut poker night and i was just so disappointed that we didn't stay there and play, i mean c'mon, last night of summer. but we left there and decided to go visit craig.. ryan followed me and pissed me off... but we got their safe and sound. we bummed around outside for a bit before we decided to go to denny's where they treated us like crap and made everyone angry and grrrrrrrrrrrr. then the boys goofed around in the parking lot, aka were doing a bunch of hardcore moves and whatnot, and after too much of that we headed back to craig's. we saw a rrrreaalllyyy bad accident... a million cop cars blocking the road, a car wrapped around a tree, and a body on the ground. not cool. at all. car accidents scare me. so much. craig threw up. ah, so that didn't help to lighten the mood after denny's whatsoever, and for some reason i was just in a pissy mood in general which is really unusual. anyyyywayyyys we finally left and it was a fun night just.. strange i guess. when we got back to ktc's and court's we made guacamole dip then slept out on the back porch to watch the stars and wait for the sun to rise. BUT we are stupid and fell asleep and missed the sunrise by a mere half hour. how sad. we made our way upstairs and slept in warm beds for the next six hours. we separated ways only to meet up again seven hours later, at ihop of course, courtney, courtney, ktc, jj, ashley, and matt. good times. wow that was long but i think i am done. i love you i love you i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i move friday ahh ahhhhahahhha ahhhhhh