Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
Last Friday I helped
montecristo345 dump a body on the Jersey turnpike (-173 points). Last Monday I caught a purse-snatcher who stole
anaiys's purse (30 points), then I broke both of his hands and kneecaps (-55 points). In March I signed my organ donor card (28 points). Last week I set my sister's puggle on fire and secretly enjoyed it (-66 points). In January I ruled Peru as a cruel and heartless dictator (-700 points). In September I committed genocide in Central and South America... You can thank me later House Immigration Reform Committee (-5000 points). In November I had a shoot-out with rival mob lords at Faneuil Hall (-76 points).
Overall, I've been a complete sonofabitch (-6012 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of smoal!