Careers and Bacteria

Jun 16, 2006 17:40

I can't remember the last time that I've gone several days without blogging about something. I've been keeping busy, mainly with the class and studying for the GRE and the LSAT. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I have a three-hour study session with LW, one of the friends I've made as a result of the temp job I had up until the beginning of the month. LW is planning on going to graduate school for a PhD program or a MSW/PhD joint degree. So far, we've been going over the ins and outs of GRE geometry. What surprises me is that for whatever reason, I understand geometry now better than I ever have before. It kind of ticks me off that my brain didn't easily grasp it sixteen years ago. While we're tackling geometry, I'm the tutor; while LW is afraid she's wasting my time, I feel that on the contrary, it's helping me remember the fundamentals of mathematics.

LW has done a great deal of research into the programs she's looking into. So far, I've only done a little bit of looking here and there. So far, I know that I'll be applying to University of Michigan and Columbia University. I may apply to Michigan State University, Georgetown and University of Chicago. University of Michigan will allow me to pursue a joint JD/PhD, as will Columbia, which also has the Chinese, Korean and Japanese Legal Studies initiatives. MSU will allow for joint degrees, but also has a program with the University of Ottawa, which will give one law degrees in Canada and the United States in four years. Georgetown and University of Chicago have International relations/Law joint degree programs. There's so much to consider, and I'm more keen on going where I'm allowed to earn a PhD in legal history while obtaining my law degree.

I was pretty sure that the sore throat and the swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck were indicators of something wrong. It started on Sunday in the middle of the day, and I originally though that it was simply my immune system going nuts with the barrage of allergens that assault me on a regular basis. It quickly got to the point where every time I swallowed, it felt like swallowing a sharp object. Thursday was the five-day mark, and since I wasn't getting any better, I headed over to my doctor's office, even though I have no insurance. Sure enough, it was more than allergies; I've had strep throat for the past week. I'm now on a ten-day battery of amoxicillin, five hundred milligrams, three times a day. I have to be careful what I eat, because anything too spicy or to rough in texture hurts when I swallow. So it's basically yogurt, oatmeal and bread for me until this clears up. I've onlly had strep once before and I don't remember it being this bad.

Needless to say, this means no FNS for me tonight. I don't want to get any of the kiddies sick, especially since Hoku and Malu are headed off to Hawaii this coming Tuesday. I also want to get some quality sleep to speed recovery, and that means getting into bed at a decent hour. A day on antibiotics, and the lymph node has already started to go down. I also no longer feel as if I'm being stabbed in the throat whenever I swallow.

I love medical science.

Aside from learning I was actually sick yesterday, I headed up to Lansing to meet my pal of over ten years, AC, for a K College alumni reception for the new college president. I'm excited, quite frankly, to see new blood, and a black woman at the helm is a bonus. I adored the last president, James Jones, very much. He was one of the individuals that wrote recommendations for me to head into graduate school when I went for my masters degree. There comes a time, however, when the guard must change, and it looks as if changes are continuing to be made for the better.

Mentioning the former president's recommendations reminded me that I have a lot of work to do, trying to come up with recommendations for graduate school. I'm hoping that the places I'm going to be volunteering with soon will be a good source.

Aside from the occasion for which I was in Lansing, it was just great to see AC again. Her hubby, who I knew when we were both at K, and their son, are away until some time next week, so I didn't have the opportunity to see them. That's rather fortuitous, considering the circumstances. I got a chance to talk with her about teaching, since she's in a PhD program herself, along with dome of her fellow graduate students, at a gathering after the reception. I'm planning on going up to MSU over the summer to sit in on a coup;le of her classes, just to see how teaching is done.
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