Playing Catch up

Jun 08, 2006 03:22

These past few weeks have been murder on my ability to work on my fall course. At first it was because I was waiting for the contract issue to get decided, next it was probably because I was trying to see if I would be getting the laptop soon. I have no idea what I was smoking with the latter. Overall, however, the real problem has been energy, or lack thereof. Over the last couple of weeks, I've only had enough to go into work and home again and do whatever it is I plan to do on the weekends. Since the project ended, I've done very little, save try to get enough sleep. I haven't been sleeping well since the beginning of May. During working hours it would sometimes be difficult for even my eyes to stay in focus, let alone stay away. Somehow I managed it. Fast forward to the past week or so, and I haven't been quite as lucky. Between allergies and George's latest visit, I wasn't much good for anything, unless I was able to force myself to get it done. This wouldn't be as big of a problem in my eyes if it hadn't been going on for more than a couple of weeks and I'd gotten more accomplished.

I was certainly planning on having more finished than I do right now, but I'm going to try not to panic. For now, the goal is to get all of the lecture skeletons completed by next Friday. If I can do that, I'll probably be only two weeks behind my original project schedule. This just might mean I won't be available for any recreational activities unless they're being held at my place, but perhaps I'll allow myself the occasional outing as a reward, sort of like a weekend furlough. Since George packed his bags and left on Monday in search of one of his other women, I have gained some of my energy back. I'm looking on that as a good sign.

I have to come to terms with the fact that some of my dear family have their own issues against which they are intolerant. I am a staunch, unwavering supporter of the rights of gays and lesbians. It breaks my heart to know that people are so entrenched in religion that they fail to see people that are gay as, well, people. One relative sent a message asking me to read their reply with an open heart, but how can you do that when what they write is full of closed-minded, "God said X-Y-and-Z"? The relative that sent the original message, which in her defense was forwarded, sent me an e-mail just asking me to delete things if I don't agree with them and mentioned that she didn't add her comments onto the message. Apparently, the last time I sent a message, people called her to complain. Are they, or are they not adults?

I responded to both. The cousin that sent all of the biblically-inspired, regurgitated stuff that I've heard before has made it clear that she's not trying to start a debate. To me, that pretty much says that she is not going to change her mind, no matter what I say and would rather I just saw the light. The response I sent to the forwarded e-mail was not intended to change someone's mind. As I said to my cousin,

For me, my views on whether homosexuality is wrong, is biological or a choice does not enter into the debate on the proposed amendment. Rather it is my view of the US Constitution and the role of government in the private lives of the people the government is supposed to serve. Whether or not it is wrong is an issue that is best left up to individuals and churches to resolve for themselves. What bothers me about this, other than the interfering with individual rights, is the feeling that this is an issue presented to divide the country and to divert us from truly important matters that we all as Americans would be outraged about if we gave it as much attention. . .

My personal beliefs on homosexuality have been pretty consistent, I think, for several years now. It has nothing to do with my personal sexuality; I'm straight. I believe that we are on the wrong track as far as defending the family from what one would consider amoral values. In the end, I believe that tolerance and taking care of one's own house before inspecting someone else's makes for a stronger society.

It was as verbose as I was willing to get, in the interests of keeping the conversation from become a debate, and to make it clear that I am no more movable in my opinion than she is.

My aunt mentioned that she knew I'd respond to the e-mail. I didn't bother to ask why, if she knew I would respond when she really didn't want a response, did she include me? The answer of course is that I'm simply on the mailing list of e-mails she sends things to. I was kind enough to tell her that in the future I would simply delete something if I didn't agree with it. Whether that does or does not get her panties out of a bunch, I'm not sure I really care.

I did get one message applauding me for my reply, though, so it wasn't a total waste of typing.

Notes from the Basement
Happy Birthday, dalbino83 and paradoxicalme!

work, in my own humble opinion, family

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