Nov 03, 2004 00:37
What am i Missing?
Will anything make sense?
I feel like such an imposter
I am stuck an di don't know really what is holding me in place.
I know what i want to feel but somehow i fall short.
What do i do?
I can't seem to look past this cyclic pattern of half progress.
It saddens me to know i don't know what to do.
I haven't been letting God do his thing.
Not like i ever had control over God in the first place anyway.
I just am hurting myself by circling in decisions i am to afraid to make.
I am not worthy, but hten again... no one is.
It's my pride. I can't seem to let it go.
Am i taking too long?
What is taking me so long?
I want to be loved and excepted.
I want to belong
I want to be satisfied by God.I don't want to stay in a stat of limbo in my spirituality. I feel so vulnerable and scared! I need encouragment.
I pray i feel encouraged; I need to feel loved. I need to be decisive, but that is one thing i haven't been. But i am way too lonely and i can't help but feel this way.
"Her" death was not my fault. It was God's will and there was nothing i could have done to stop it. God's lessons ren't always easy. Without them i'd get nowhere. I feel like i am nowhere more often than not.
Why can't i make decisions?
I feel so left behind and i can't shake the feeling that i don't quite belong.
She would want me to love a life of love and of God. Maybe it's not such a hard decision, but how do i get there?
I have to have faith in my prayers and that God will and can help.
MAybe i have doubts because i feel alone. I don't like anyone really takes the time to pray for me. Maybe they think i've been around so long that they just gradually stopped praying for me (If they were praying in the first place). Maybe if I have people pray with me and for me I can get more faith. Faith... Is something I want to cherish deeply. I want to be happy. I want to feel God's presence in me and my life. IT;s my pride and my fear.doubt that i think is keeping me from God.
I want to be comfortable with dropping my pride and being vulnerable. I want to be full of faith and commit to God
Please be rid of my fear of commitment. God is waiting for me and i for him. I've lingered long enough.
So why am i hesitant?
Maybe I will be able to work this all out so that I can make a decision. I don't want to linger anymore. I want to take me stand! I love God and I want to be seperate form him no more.
Please be with me...