Oct 15, 2004 01:41
Life can only get so confusing until the answer that was staring you in the face seems lik eit was too easy to think of before or accept before. Pride keep sus from accepting our faults. And when we find an answer we find it was easier than we once thought. We tend to make things way more complicated than they really are. I do at least. Sometime our answers are staring us in the face and we can't see it because we are too pridefull. There is a point in confusion when i have to drawl the line and say "Enough is Enough!" and go after that answer that i either didn't see or didn't want to see "because it seemed way too easy to be an answer." I'm tired of trying to hide my inner self from myself. I almost felt that if i burried things down far enough they would go away. But i would know they are there even if no one else did. I haven't let God take control of my life. He already has it, but i have been fighting with him over control. Needless to say, i always loose the battles. Humility is something that i strive for but yet in some areas am far from having. I try to be humble towards other people and with people, but i am not humble in letting God take care of me and addmitting my faults with out fear of being judged. I don't want to be wrong, but i am wrong alot so you'd think i'd be used to it. That's Pride. It feels better having talked to Brandi, thanks girl! I feel like i have put a dent in my Pride and not discounting what God has done in my life so far, but adding to it and taking it with me. I know now that the only thing that matters is doing what God wants me to do and not worry about what others think and not worry if people accept me or not. I am loved by God, that's what matters to me and Everything is worth the amount of love he gives me. He's loves me so much he's do anything for me, and i've held back. I tend to hold back for fear of getting hurt. And i feel that changing myself is worth it because his love makes it worth it. Pride can keep us from see things how they really are. In my pridefullness i saw a distorted view on my life, but when i pull back the veil of my pride i see things thorough different eyes and i feel God tugging at me saying" You know i love you, and you know you can come to me with anything. please come home." I am too tired to keep up my fight. Surrender is inevidible. I can't fight God forever. All i need to do is beat my pride to just fix myself. I've been trying to hard to fix things myself and i'm making a mess of things. I'm ready to just fold, and let God do his thing.