better than a bag full of rocks

Oct 08, 2009 09:17

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulmiggs13 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as miggs13.adreamabove gives you 2 tan passionfruit-flavoured nuggets.annie_from_aust gives you 1 pink root beer-flavoured gummy worms.dreamertheresa gives you 5 pink spearmint-flavoured pieces of taffy.ecossefilmmaker gives you 19 pink root beer-flavoured gummy worms.ellie_kay gives you 12 red-orange mint-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.jasolater tricks you! You get a wad of paper.keita_yuki tricks you! You get an eraser.kristine00 gives you 18 mottled green licorice-flavoured jawbreakers.melvin_udall tricks you! You lose 13 pieces of candy!slouchingpoet gives you 4 orange cherry-flavoured wafers.miggs13 ends up with 48 pieces of candy, a wad of paper, and an eraser.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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