Jun 16, 2011 10:13
On June 14,
Dayton was evaluated by a licensed trainer, and he did very well. He agrees that Dayton has obstacle work figured out and travels safely. On our walk,
a garbage truck pulled up and the robotic arm shot out to grab the trash can, he startled and pulled me into the grass away from the truck, but he didn’t
seem afraid. The instructor agreed that he recovered nicely and that he should have reacted as he did.
We went to a pub nearby for lunch, and he did well. I did some work on finding inside, finding a chair, finding outside and locating our car in the parking
lot, and he did very well.
On June 15, we did some parking lot work, worked him around in a restaurant and worked him past many diners. He did not distract at all, and as usual,
he laid quietly under the table. He found outside, and he found the car.
obstacles: 4/5
Notes: Realizes if he has chosen a path that is too narrow for the both of us and will back
up, find another way and keep line of travel. Occasionally still brushes my right side on
things, but this is rarely the case.
overhangs: 4/5
Notes: Definitely is aware of overhangs that are below my shoulder, and really seems to be
grasping higher ones as well. Rarely fales to move around branches.
barriers: 4/5
Notes: Haven't specifically focused on barrier work, but he is very good about taking me
to the curb and out into the street if the entire sidewalk is blocked. He will refuse to
go forward if we won't both fit.
street crossings: 5/5
Notes: He always goes from curb-to-curb. Stops 95% of the time for down curbs, and pauses
slightly at up curbs, which is what I prefer him to do. Not comfortable with a full stop,
because he's such a long dog that part of him will remain in the street.
Traffic: 3/5
Notes: Counting rolling objects as traffic. safely moves around shopping carts and
bicycles. Has not had much vehicle exposure yet. Did safely back me away from a car that
turned in front of us, so I know he is aware, though he still hasn't had formal training.
This will be started shortly.
crowds: 4/5
Notes: Can now safely work through clusters of 3-5 people. Is much better about following friends/family when we're in a group. Is comfortable passing
people if I ask him to and leaves enough room for us to safely move around. When working at the mall did very well and did not bump me into anyone.
city work: 4/5
Notes: keeps straight line on sidewalks. Plan to test for counterpull now that he
definitely understands straight line concept. Understands turns but sometimes turns 180 dg
instead of 90. No reaction to the sounds of heavy traffic.
country work: 3/5
Notes: He has done country work just once, but without much if any prompting from me, he stayed left. I used my cane to keep track of the side of the
public transportation: 5/5
Notes: Very comfortable with public transport. Can find inside, waits for me to pay fair, finds
open seat. Rests quietly under seat or sits quietly in front of me during travel. Finds
outside when exiting vehicle.
find: *escalators, #trash cans, *upstairs, *downstairs, #sink, water fountain, #counter, #open
bathroom stall, *inside, *outside, *seat, *elevator, #button
Notes: Starred items are things he reliably finds, and items with a number sign are items
he has been introduced to.
Number of workouts: 41
We're getting there. I'm having troubles finding traffic that doesn't stop to let us cross. I've got several folks who have experience observing or driving
traffic for training, so I'm hoping to work with some of them over the next couple of weeks. I'm going to go use grocery carts at the store, too. Other
than that, he's still a great boy. He is incredibly mature, and he's just coming out of that puppy distractibility stage. He's 15 months now, and I'm
enjoying watching him grow up.