"legitimate rape"

Aug 21, 2012 09:08

Todd Akin is an idiot. That much is clear. I'm absolutely astounded that anyone who claims to be intelligent can say that a woman, if raped, can somehow magically force her body not to get pregnant. Whhhhaaaattt. But really, Todd Akin isn't the ONLY genius around the US, there are actually other people who have said similar things in the past. Wow.

Excerpt from the article:
Let's stop differentiating between different types of rape as if they were different flavors at an ice cream shop. Politicians need to get over the pervasive fear that adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards rape means that people will be able to disingenuously "cry rape" if they're having a bad day. That's not going to happen. You know what's way more dangerous? Allowing legislators like Akin to make declarative statements that are unarguably false. If you don't know how basic biology works, you shouldn't be able to hold a government position that gives you real power over the bodies of millions of women.


america: land of stars and stripes, politics, science rules, womynism, people are idiots

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