Entomology Raps

Sep 09, 2007 21:58

Peter Pediculosis

My name’s peter pediculosis
And my rhymes is mad ferocious

Lice bite me at night
But my flow is still tight

The bites itch they don’t sting
And I gots ice on my pinky ring

They got six legs
And nits is what they call eggs

They’re real species specific
And this is a catchy limerick
But I need to end it
Cause these bites make me sick


Arthropods can annoy but also annihilate
Always advance at ants to aspirate

Bucolic butterflies best be be-netted
Because other blunders may leave them beheaded

Crazy caterpillars cut cool leaves
Cunning ceratopogonids sip on cleaves

Drowsy dung beetles drive dudes deranged
Ditsy damselflies drop out, defamed

Extracurricular ephemeroptera don’t eat with ease
Erring earwigs eke their eats

Fleeing ferocious fire ants is a feat
When foraging for a fight, they bring the whole fleet

Gyrinids and Gerrids get gassed in gullies
Grateful grasshoppers gorge on guppies

Harvard hopeful hymenopterans
eat heaps of hemipterans

intuitive isopod intellectuals
invent iceskates, but they're ineffectual

Joyous June bugs remain jocund
when juxtaposed with jargon

Katydid kabobs help keep up kayaks
and key in on keyboards with korrect syntax

Lecherous lepidopterans leap at life
leaving losers to lunch on loosestrife

Monotone mantids make meals of mealworms
munching and maybe moping about midterms

Narcoleptic Neuropterans need nicotine
noisily and nervously saying they're nineteen

Overconfident orthopterans opt out
obviously and obliviously obscure about drought

Pleasing fungus beetles press peoples pants
and perfunctorily perform a priceless prance

Quixotic cockroaches quiz and quip quickly
quietly they quiver rather queerly

Restive reduviids refuse rowdy roommates
retorting that the rambunctious are reprobates

Stoic Simuliidae seethe sorely and surely
supposing that supreme stories are spoken simply

Trembling tipulids toss off toes
turning to tramps, trusting themselves to their throes

Undulating uraniidae urge U to urinate
unfortunately unable to understand updates

Vivacious vespids veer vapidly
vying for vestibules in the valley

Wanton wasps wander and wonder
why the wife wants so many whippersnappers

Xenophobic Xenopsylla get x-rayed
while x-pecting X-mas x-citement

Youthful Yuccas yearn for yucks
yielding instead to yawing yaks

Zesty zygopterans zip zealously
zinging past zombies going zany.
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