missed last week

Aug 17, 2010 23:43

So I didn't talk about "Huge" last week and it's coming up on the end of the season so I must. But first, from Lesley's most recent awesome recap: I know that feeling, as an introvert who tends to prefer one-on-one social interactions to large groups. It is a longing for a special understanding, for an opportunity to connect privately with someone who gets you, who knows you, who likes you and appreciates you, just as you are. There is a romance to friendships like this, but it is not necessarily borne of a sexual desire so much as an emotional one. I’ve been in love with friends. I’ve been in love with friends for their amazing minds and their wonderful personalities, and for our shared ability to understand one another, and support one another, and to say what needs to be said, and to listen. There is romance in that, but we have no language for it in our culture - no way of identifying it and recognizing it except in half-formed concepts and vague descriptions. We have no means of speaking about desire for emotional and intellectual connection, as sex is always paramount, always primary, always assumed to be the driving force behind human connection. And sometimes it is. But sometimes it is not.
Emphasis mine.

This right there nails one of the reasons why I love this show so much. The relationships between the kids are so friggin complex. There is a lot of teen angst and a lot of genuine heartbreak and joy in so many varieties, it's amazing. And underneath the "wow fat people" aspect is a more bedrock principle: being a teenager frequently sucks, and it sucks for EVERYONE no matter how they look.

So when the show started I was all about Will. Because Will is awesome. Flawed and occasionally crazy-making, but awesome. And Becca is awesome, so I was all about Will and Becca.

I had no idea Ian and Alastair would become so enormously important to me. They weren't very visible on the show at first, but Alastair has become basically the heart and moral center of the show. He was the one who immediately took the lost journal and brought it to lost and found without even opening it. He's the one who has (so far) never been untrue to himself or cruel to anyone else, even though he's been subject to cruelty from others. And this week, after that horrible, cruel, godawful, "I'm going to puke because this is dredging up bad bad memories" prank pulled on him, when he told Ian without looking at him, "That was my first kiss"? I CRIED LIKE A BABY.

My first kiss sucked too. Not that bad, but enough. :(

Meanwhile, when Ian was all "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" defending his friend. If Ian was real I'd marry him, y'all. I'm about two steps from drawing hearts around pictures here.

And last week, after the weigh in, when Ian handed his unread card to Alastair and said "I don't want to let this define me" I was cheering. And then they had that conversation, and Alastair got choked up, and Ian was just THERE for him.

And of course, Will crushing on Ian while he crushes on Amber brings back many of my own painful memories, which is yet another reason beyond her being a loudmouthed feminist butch-dressing teenager that I overidentify with Will. Especially the way she hides the truth and plays the buddy card. It's like looking in a damned mirror. :\

But how awesome was Will this week? She hates Amber a lot but she stayed and took care of her because it was the right thing to do. Except she flaked on Becca.

Becca's going to flip out before the season is over, I hope. She deserves it. She should flip out, just to stop repressing everything! It's okay Becca! You can be mad and show it! I promise. Will won't abandon you.

And now I'm about to say something I'm rather ashamed of thinking, because it's one of the things I see female fans say when they're just being nasty about female characters, but it's how I feel in this case: RAND YOU CHEATING BITCH YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR WAYNE!!!!

*cough* Sorry. I know. But it's how I feel about this particular situation. Wayne is awesome, and yes I find him yummy and fun and Rand is so utterly fucked up and bad at her job it drives me crazy. I really, really do not buy that she's been running this camp for 5 years. She's hopelessly bad at it. She's a terrible communicator, and there's a difference between humanizing her and making her seem useless. And Wayne is so cool as a person, I can't help but think to myself "What a waste. I would kill for a guy that awesome and here she's treating him like shit!"


Also I'm leery of the idea of "overeaters anonymous" and the idea of a 12 step program for food. I know very little of this issue so I won't speculate, but I was rolling my eyes a bit, because it's FOOD. The first rule of nutrition: eat or die.

I'm both looking forward to and dreading the finale, which begins next week. I'd feel better if we knew the show had been renewed.


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