more. *sigh*

Aug 16, 2010 23:53

Well, now there's more of Congresswoman Weir and Major Sheppard

"Don't think."

Elizabeth repeated the words to herself as she splashed some water on her face in the bathroom. The whole way home she'd been cutting her brain off every time it started cataloging the myriad ways this could go terribly wrong.

Between gathering their things in her office, John walking her to her car, her dropping him off at his car, and him following her back to her apartment, she figured she'd probably thought those two words about 500,000 times.

Now John was out there in her living room and her rational mind made yet another bid to point out all the multiple reasons this was a bad idea. She closed her eyes for a second, gripping the edge of the sink and forced the crisis management voice in her head to shut up. Instead she focused on what happened her office, on how badly she'd been tempted to just lock the door and close the blinds and say to hell with it.

She opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. "Don't think," she muttered at her reflection.

John was in his shirtsleeves, standing in her living room looking at her DVD collection. He grinned as she approached. "Why am I not surprised you have all seven seasons of The West Wing?"

She smiled ruefully. "Honestly, once you're living the real thing, it becomes less of an escape."

"Ah. So that's why you have all six of the Star Wars movies, including the prequels?"

She rolled her eyes. "Do I at least get geek points for having the original theatrical versions?"

John smirked, turning towards her. "Oh yeah. Color me impressed." He touched her cheek, just brushing his fingertips against her skin, and she got goose bumps everywhere.

The silence stretched and Elizabeth forced herself to speak, though it was hard with the way John moved even further into her personal space. "Do you want something to drink?"

He shook his head. "No." His eyes were on her lips and Elizabeth slid her arms around his neck and met him halfway.

It couldn't have been more than an hour since that first kiss in her office, but it felt like it had been years. Elizabeth kissed him frantically, her fingers threaded through his messy hair, holding on tight as she devoured him. The feeling of John's hand brushing against her back, under her shirt, only made it worse. God, she wanted him so badly.

She pulled away to breathe, but the temptation was too much. She nibbled along his jaw line, her tongue teasing him as she found a sensitive spot on his neck. John let out a noise and she felt his hands begin to work open the buttons of her blouse.

She let him open her shirt and focused on licking his ear, which made him squirm and laugh and sigh all at once. She grinned to herself, intent on teasing him until she gasped as his hands covered her bare breasts. She hadn't entirely noticed him getting her shirt and bra off.

John kissed her again while his fingers caressed her body. Elizabeth arched into his touch, and when he bent down and covered her breast with his mouth she let out a moan. When John's hands fumbled with the fastening of her pants, she helped.

Seconds later she was standing in her living room completely naked, her clothes in a puddle on the floor. Her cheeks flushed. She usually wore a bathrobe to get from the shower to her bedroom. Sure the curtains were closed, but there was nowhere to hide in the brightly lit room. She started to cross her arms by reflex.

"Don't," John caught her elbow, stopping her. She blushed harder, because he was staring at her nude body like he was studying her. Then his palm pressed against her stomach. His skin was warm and she felt the callouses on his hands. The low tone of his voice made her shiver as he said her name.

His other hand cupped the back of her head and he kissed her again, slowly this time. She could still feel the lust simmering under the surface but he played with her mouth now, experimenting and exploring while his hands just skimmed lightly over her skin. She would've expected him to go faster now that she was obviously naked and willing, but John slowed down. Nothing about this man was ever predictable, she realized. She felt his clothes brushing along her body as they shifted and the knowledge that he was still fully dressed was almost unbearably erotic.

And not meant to last. The only way this could be hotter was if he was naked too.

Elizabeth reached for his shirt and tugged the buttons open impatiently. When John took over with the shirt, she grabbed his belt buckle. He grunted as her hand made contact with his erection. Between the two of them, they got all his clothes off swiftly.

Elizabeth took a step back while John freed himself from his pants. When he looked up, his ears turned red and she realized she was staring at him the way he'd been staring at her. Her eyes wandered over his body, drinking him in. He was lean but strong, with dark hair covering his chest and then trailing down along his pelvis towards the very obvious evidence of his arousal. Elizabeth couldn't even figure out what she wanted first, whether it was to feel him holding her against his body, or moving between her thighs while she ran her hands across his back, or to lick every inch of his skin until he was begging for her.

Apparently he was thinking the same thing, because John bent over and fished his wallet out of his pants and grabbed a condom. He held it up and looked at her. "Do you by any chance have any?"

"Shit," she muttered. "No, I don't. I haven't-" She stopped there, not wanting to think about the destruction of her last relationship, which had been long-term and had ended a couple election cycles ago (or how screwed up it was that she thought in terms of elections rather than regular years). She hadn't been with anyone since then, not until tonight.

John's shoulders sagged. "Crap."

Elizabeth giggled. She couldn't help it. His disappointment was so dramatic. "We may be getting ahead of ourselves, you know."

John smiled, but they both groaned as he pulled her into his arms and their naked bodies collided gently. "I don't think so," he told her, one hand squeezing her butt. "But I guess we should make this count."

"No argument here," she told him, kissing him lightly. He chased her mouth and they stumbled backwards slightly, Elizabeth pulling him back towards her bedroom. John followed, letting her lead until she fell onto her back on her bed and he landed on top of her. He tucked the condom under her pillow and propped himself up on one arm above her. "Of course," he said, with wicked smile that made her heart speed up and her body ache with the heat in his eyes, "We can always get creative if we have to."

Elizabeth raked her fingernails through his hair and grinned as his eyes closed in pleasure. "Only if we have to?"

"Well," he drawled, bending down to kiss her neck. His breath on her collarbone made her shiver. "Not only."

Her laughter disappeared into a loud moan as he moved lower.

congresswoman weir, weir/sheppard, fic

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