Title: I Love You - the sequel- [The Time, The World and You]
Pairing: Yukido
Disclaimer: I don’t owned any of the people in this story and everything that was written in this story is fictional only; none of them were true facts.
Summary: Hyde had confessed his feeling to Yukkie, but would Yukkie ready to move on? This is a sequel for
I Love You ~
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Comments 4
Sankyuuuuu for sharing this fic dear! I'm waiting for your next fic, and good luck your way in exam! ♥ :3
Thank you very much,dear!!I will be on it as soon as after my examination~
And then... guuuuuuh, you know how depressed the first chapter left me right? And these two chapters... my heart... aaaaah it kept on aching while I was reading~~ (@__@) I had goosebumps and became teary-eyed a lot of times and I just can't explain why. (>___<) *le deeeeeeep sigh*
I don't know what to say~~ Just... it's so effective that I really really hope the rumor about yukkie having a fiancee who died in an accident isn't real and if it was, I hope he never felt this way, otherwise I'll be extremely sad!
And in this story, I know Yukkie loves Hyde but I'm really hoping that he loves him with all his heart and is able to forget the past and move on, since Hyde is trying sooo hard to heal him. (>___<) I hope Yukkie means all the kiss and sweet things he did to Hyde, uwaaaah, huhuhu!!! (@___@)
Anyway, sorry for the long comment, this just really left an effect on me. (>w<) I wish you the best of luck on your exams and hope to see you around ( ... )
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