Title: I Love You - the sequel- [The Time, The World and You]
Pairing: Yukido
Disclaimer: I don’t owned any of the people in this story and everything that was written in this story is fictional only; none of them were true facts.
Summary: Hyde had confessed his feeling to Yukkie, but would Yukkie ready to move on? This is a sequel for
I Love You ~
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Oh noo please don't be mad at me~I know I've been a really bad person for writing both stories~~but please don't be sad~*offer you a hug*
I'm really glad to hear my story is effecting other (though I wasn't so sure if I'm supposed to, since it's only make you feel sad =.=")well I think it's just a rumour, since I never heard from any reliable source that he said it himself; and that's even you (my most reliable fangirling source =3) never heard of him saying it is so~so I assumed it just a rumour(but it's a nice theme for me to write so I took it to write for this =D)and Yukkie seem to be really happy everyday(and he even look so extremely genki during the three lives at Japan XD),so I wasn't so worried about this rumour and he ever be in this state~though it'll be so extremely sadden me if he'd or he'll be in this kind of situation DDDX
Well don't worry, Yukkie really meant what he did with Hyde... the only thing is that it was too fast for him; he needs time and space to clear his mind first and solved the conflicts within him before he can fully accepted Hyde~so Hyde needs to just hang in there till Yukkie finally can see how much Hyde really loved him(and he loved Hyde) and that he really needs to move forward~(sound like I'm adding an extra bonus part for you >u<)
It's okay,I always L'OVE long comments(and mine were long too >w<) I'm glad that to hear that it has an effect on you(I said it twice 'cause I'm happy to hear it~though it doesn't mean that I want you to be sad =~= so pleas don't be sad)Thank you very much >o
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