Dec 05, 2006 07:04
I loved it!! What's all the controversy about a Blonde Bond? he ROX. maybe not as much as Sean Connery, I'll give you that -- the Bond to end all Bonds -- but he's certainly pleasant to look at. And sleek. And suave. But funny, he doesn't have the effect Jack has on me. Blond isn't unethically violent and sleezy PLUS charming. he just isn't. I was struck by some of the chase scenes -- felt like watching ballet! Very enjoyable. Another high recommendation.
7 more days till DVP!!!!!!! I can barely contain myself.
While watching Bond, i had a flashback to the first Bond movie i ever saw -- in Geneva, in late November 2002. Might have been Tomorrow Never Dies -- i forget. I think I can trace my new-found infatuation with the genre of suspense/action to that very day. X was working at the WHO, and when I told her I was afraid of suspense movies, she laughed and told me that in that case, I had no other choice BUT to watch Bond. And I was, strangely, charmed by the whole thing. If I can't empathize with the characters, I don't care who gets blown up. In fact, watching things get blown up is rather therapeutic. Brain candy.