I had to work 8-6 yesterday and it was HELL but at least it was only day shift for the week. Plus, I came home and cooked some chicken in the wok with some soy sauce, ginger and brown sugar, put on some brown rice and then threw everything in the fridge so tonight we shall have stir fry. As for dinner last night, well, it was a Wingzone night, admittedly, but only because jumbo cheese fries with ranch dressing sounded better and easier. We watched Elektra which was all right and then we were going to watch Alias that had been recorded but it seemed like a little too much Jennifer Garner for one night so we ended up going to bed instead. But I'm off tomorrow and so is he so that means tonight we'll probably finally watch "Finding Neverland" and then according to NetFlix, "Blade: Trinity" is shipping today so we should have that tomorrow or Saturday. Plus we get to go grocery shopping tomorrow and we all know that I live for grocery shopping. Yes, I'm a bore in my old age, shut up.
Is it wrong to be happy at all the morons signing up for GreenZap? I mean, I'm all for free shit, I do it all the time. But anything that asks for my home address, I get a little antsy. THEN there is the fact that the website (a website that is about taking and giving money) is not SSL certified and if I'm reading it right, you only get the 25 dollars if you deposit 100 dollars into your new GreenZap account. Then there is the fact that the privacy policy is shit -
"GreenZap may disclose consumer information to companies affiliated with GreenZap and to companies or other parties not affiliated with GreenZap. These recipients include:
o Financial institutions, such as banks, credit card companies and brokerage houses;
o Online merchants within GreenZap;
o Companies that process transactions or provide other services for us;
o Government agencies and other agencies permitted under federal law."
Oh, and I'll give and join all the other paranoids that are wondering how the hell a brand new company with NO PROFIT WHATSOEVER can afford to give all the millions of people on the Internet 25 dollars each plus an addition 5 for each person they refer. It all just reeks of scam to me, sorry.
So Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are supposedly dating and again, I smell scam. I think it's all just for publicity because, come on, we all know that Tom Cruise doesn't like attractive women.
Case in point:
So why would he date a relatively pretty girl like
Katie Holmes? Who knows? Who cares? Who the hell cares if Angelina Jolie is banging Brad Pitt? Who cares if Jennifer Anniston is "dying a little bit each day" because of it? Who cares if a small percentage of people think Jennifer Anniston was actually hotter than Angelina Jolie because she's "so weird and skanky" (even though apparently the rest of America begs to differ as she's continually voted the hottest person EVER and god knows my husband would probably leave me if she walked up and said "want to fuck me senseless, sir?" but that's another story entirely.)? Who the hell CARES that Maggie Gyllenhall is now hated by 75% of America because she blames the United States for 9/11? Who cares that I'm not quite sure she blamed the US entirely and I actually sort of agree with her on some parts but still, I would have never opened my big fat mouth because unlike Maggie, I enjoy earning massive amounts of money?
Something I do sort of care about is Sara Evans being one of People's 50 most beautiful people. In fact, some pretty hot (in my opinion, k?) people are on it this year - Sandra Oh, Patrick Dempesy, Scarlett Johansson, Johnny Depp, Clive Owen and Eva Mendes. I am a little concerned about why the hell Elizabeth Smart is on the list - you know, the girl that was kidnapped in Utah and then they found her. That makes no sense whatsoever. Anyway, I must shower.