Aug 12, 2005 17:49
The last couple of days have been some of the shittiest days of my life schedule-wise. It started wenesday, when I was going to dennys with a couple of friends and when I entered, My Manager and Marshalls Radioshack Manager were sitting there (theyre married btw). So I say hi and John ask me if duane had gotten a hold of me. I said no. Well then they told me that I had to work in marshall tomorrow at 10 in the morning. I thought my night was ruined, but i went out and got piss drunk anyway. Had a hangover at work and proceeded with the rest of my day. Last night i was drinking. This morning i went home at five and slept for 2 hours because i had to pick someone up at 9. When I went to go pick them up, someone had already been picked up by someone else. Well, I decided not to waste the morning and got breakfast. I was opn my way to work cause i had to work at ten and I had forgot my belt. So i ran to walmart and got a belt, so i was late this morning. When i arrived, john told me to go home cause he screwed uyp the schedule. I went home and slept for 2 hours, came back in and now im at work. Im fucking tirewd and want to go home.